Namaskar, my dear countrymen!
Today I want to start with a Vedic text.
कृतम् मे दक्षिणे हस्ते,
जयो मे सव्य आहितः।
If we look at this in the context of India, it simply means that on one hand our country performed the duty and on the other hand it got great success. Yesterday, on October 21, India achieved the difficult but extraordinary target of 1 billion, i.e., 100 crore vaccine doses. Behind this achievement is the duty of 130 crore countrymen, so this success is the success of India, the success of every countryman. I heartily congratulate all the countrymen for this.
The 100 crore vaccinesis just not a number. It is the reflection of the potential of the country; it is a new chapter of history. This is the picture of that new India which knows how to set difficult goals and achieve them. This is the picture of that new India which strives hard for the fulfillment of its resolutions.

Today many people are comparing India's vaccination program with other countries of the world. The speed with which India crossed the one billion mark is also being appreciated. However, one thing is often missed in this analysis and that is from where did we start?The developed countries had decades-old expertise regarding research and development of vaccines. India mostly depended on the vaccines developed by these countries. We used to import them and, therefore, questions were raised about India when the biggest pandemic of 100 years hit.Will India be able to fight this global pandemic? From where will India get the money to buy so many vaccines from other countries? When will India get the vaccines? Will the people of India get the vaccines or not? Will India be able to vaccinate enough people to prevent the pandemic from spreading? There were various questions, but today this 100 crore figure answers every such question. India has given 100 crore vaccine doses to its citizens and that too for free.
One of the effects of the 100 crore vaccine doses will be that the world will now consider India to be much safer on the Corona front. The acceptance that India enjoys in the world as a pharma hub will be further strengthened. Today the entire world is watching and experiencing India’s power.

India's vaccination campaign is the living example of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas'. During the initial stages of the Corona pandemic, fears were also being expressed that it would be very difficult to fight this pandemic in a democracy like India. It was also being said for India and for the people of India regarding the restraint and discipline needed for this? But for us, democracy means ‘Sabka Saath (cooperation from everyone). Taking everyone along, the country started the campaign of 'Vaccine for all', 'Free Vaccine'. Whether poor or rich, village or city, far-away, the country had only one mantra that if the disease does not discriminate, then there cannot be any discrimination in the vaccination. Therefore, it was ensured that the VIP culture did not dominate the vaccination campaign. No matter how important a post someone held, no matter how rich he is, he will get the vaccines just like ordinary citizens.
It was also being said for our country that most of the people would not turn up to get vaccinated. Vaccine hesitancyremains a major challenge even today in many major developed countries of the world. But the people of India have answered such critics by taking 100 crore vaccine doses.
When 'Sabka Prayas’ (everybody's effort) is added to a campaign then the results are amazing. We made public participation as our first force in the country's fight against the pandemic, made them the first line of defense. The country clapped, banged thalis and lit lamps to give energy to its solidarity. Then some people questioned will this disease run away by doing all these things? But we all saw the unity of the country in it, the awakening of collective power. This collective power has taken the country to the milestone of 100 crore vaccine doses in such a short time. So many times our country crossed the one crore vaccination mark in a day. This is a huge potential, management skill and the best use of technology, which even major countries do not have.
India's entire vaccination program is born in the womb of science, has grown on scientific grounds, and has reached all four directions through scientific methods. It is a matter of pride for all of us that the entire vaccination program of India has been science-born, science-driven and science-based. The entire campaign involved science and scientific approach everywhere right from development of the vaccines to inoculation. The challenge before us was with regard to manufacturing as well as scaling up the production. Such a big country and such a huge population! After that, to deliver the vaccines in different states and in far-flung areas on time! This too was no less than a gigantic task. But, the country found solutions to these challenges with scientific methods and new innovations. Resources were stepped up with extraordinary speed. Scientific formula was used as to which state should get how many vaccinesand when, how much vaccines should reach in which area etc. The CoWIN platform developed by our country is also the center of attraction in the world. The made-in-India CoWIN platform has not only brought convenience to the common man, but also made the work of our medical staff easier.
Today there is belief, enthusiasm and zeal all around. There is optimism all around in every section from society to economy. Experts and many agencies at home and abroad are very positive about India's economy. Today, not only Indian companies are attracting record investment, new employment opportunities are also being created for the youth. With record investments, start-ups are becoming unicorns. New energy is also visible in the housing sector. The various reforms and initiatives undertaken in the last few months -- from GatiShakti to the new drone policy – will play an important role in helping India's economy grow faster. The agriculture sector kept our economy firmly in place during the Corona period. Today, government procurement of food grains is happening at a record level and money is going directly into the bank accounts of farmers. Along with the increasing coverage of the vaccines, positive activities have intensified whether it is economic-social activities, sports, tourism or entertainment. The forthcoming festive season will give it more momentumand strength.
There was a time when ‘Made in’ of this and that country was a craze. But today every countryman is realizing that the power of ‘Made in India’ is huge. And, therefore, I urge you again that we should insist on buying every little thing, which is Made in India, and behind its making is the sweat of an Indian. And this will be possible only with the efforts of everyone. As the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a mass movement, similarly, we will have to buy made-in-India products, and be vocal for local. We will have to put this into practice. And, I believe, we will be able to do this toowith everyone's efforts. You recall last Diwali, when there was a tension in everyone's mind. But this Diwali, there is a sense of confidence due to 100 crore vaccine doses. If my country's vaccines can give me protection, then my country's products can make my Diwali grand. Diwali sales are different. The sales during Diwali and the festive season shoot up. This figure of 100 crore vaccine doses has come as a ray of hope for all, including our small shopkeepers, entrepreneurs and street vendors.
Today there are resolutions of Amrit Mahotsav before us, and this success gives us new confidence. We can say today that the country knows very well to set big goals and achieve them too. But we need to be always careful. We must not be careless. No matter how good the cover is, no matter how modern the armour is, even if armour gives a complete guarantee of protection, weapons are not given up while the battle is on. This is my request that we have to celebrate our festivals with utmost caution. And as far as mask is concerned, now that designer masks are also there, we have to wear masks in the same way as we wear shoes when we step out. Those who have not been vaccinated should give it a top priority. Those who have been vaccinated should inspire others. I am sure that if we all try together, then we will be able to defeat Corona very soon. Many best wishes to all of you for the forthcoming festivals and many thanks!