Text of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ on All India Radio

Published By : Admin | December 14, 2014 | 11:49 IST

My Dear Fellow Countrymen,

Today I have this great opportunity of interacting with you again. You must be wondering why a Prime Minister should be interacting the way I am doing it. Well, first and foremost, I am a less of your Prime Minister and more of a Pradhan Sewak (serving the people). Since childhood I have been hearing that by sharing, our intensity of pain become less while the intensity of our joys grow manifold. Well I think, this is the guiding thought behind Mann ki Baat. It is an opportunity for me to sometimes share my concern and sometimes my joy. Sharing my deepest concerns with you makes me feel light hearted and sharing my joy just doubles my happiness.

Last time, I mentioned my concern about the youth of the country. It is not because you chose me as the Prime Minister but because I feel concerned as an individual. Sons and daughters of many families are caught in the trap of drugs. It just does not destroy the person involved, but his entire family, the society and the Nation at large. Drug is such a grave menace which destroys the most powerful individuals.

While serving as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, my officers with good records would often come to ask for leave. Initially they would hesitate to spell out the reasons, however on insisting they revealed that their child had fallen into the drug trap and they now need to spend time with their kids and rehabilitate them. I could see the bravest of my officers struggling to control their tears. I met suffering mothers too. In Punjab I had the chance to meet some mothers who were very angry and yet concerned about their children who had fallen into the trap of drugs.

We have to work together as a society to tackle this menace. I understand that the youth who fall into this drug trap are often blamed. We blame these youth as being careless and irresponsible. We perceive that the victims are bad but the fact is that the drugs are bad. The youth are not wrong; it is this addiction which is wrong. Let us not blame and wrong our kids. Let us get rid of  this habit of addiction and not victimize our kids. Blaming the kids would push them further into addiction. This is in fact a psycho-socio-medical issue and let us treat it as such a problem. This menace needs to be handled carefully as its solution is not limited to medical intervention only.  The individual concerned, his family, friends, the society, the government and the legal system all have to work in tandem to tackle this menace. Each one of us have to contribute to get rid of this menace..

A few days ago, I had organized a DGP level conference in Assam. I expressed my concern over this issue and my displeasure at the non-serious attitude of the people concerned. I have asked the police department to seriously discuss this issue and come out with relevant solutions. I have suggested the department to launch a toll free helpline. The families often feel ashamed to come out in open about the addiction problem of their children. They have no one to confide in. Parents from any part, any corner of the country can freely approach the police if their children have fallen a victim to addiction. The department has taken this suggestion seriously and working towards its fulfillment.

The drug menace brings about the Three D’s. These Three D’s are not the ones related to entertainment but I am talking about the Three D’s related to the three vices.

First D is Darkness, the second D is Destruction and the third D is Devastation.

Drugs lead a person to a blind path of destruction. There is nothing left in its trail but devastation. This is a topic of great concern and demands total attention.

I had mentioned this topic in my last address in Mann ki Baat. We received more than 7000 letters on our Akashvani address. Some letters were received in the government offices. We received responses on government portal, Mygov.in, online and through e-mails. Lakhs of comments were received on twitter and facebook. Hence, a deep rooted concern in the society’s psyche has found a voice.


I am especially thankful to the media of our country for carrying this concern forward. Many channels conducted hour long programs. These programs were not just meant to criticize the government. They were forums for open discussion, a concern and an effort to come out with workable solutions. These initiatives created background for healthy discussions. The government was also sensitized to its responsibilities in this direction. The government can no longer remain neutral to these concerns.

There is a question I want to ask these youth caught in the drug trap. I want to ask these youth that when for three or four hours they are in a state of intoxication, they might be feeling free of all concerns, free of all tensions and  in a different world altogether. But have you ever lent a thought to the fact that when you buy drugs where does this money go to? Have you ever thought about it? Just make a guess. What if this drug money goes to the terrorists? What if this money is spent by the terrorists to procure weapons? And with this weapon the very same terrorist might be pumping bullets in the heart of my soldiers. The soldier of my country gets martyred. Have you ever thought about our soldiers- a soldier who is so dear to his mother, the treasured son of Mother India, the brave son of the soil is hit by a bullet probably funded by the money spent on purchasing drugs. I know and firmly believe that you too love your motherland and have tremendous respect for our soldiers. Then how can you support a habit which funds drug mafia and the terrorists.

Some people feel that when a person is in despair, faces failures and when he is directionless, he is an easy prey to drugs. But I feel that people who lack ambition, do not have any set goals and targets, who have a deep vacuum in their lives, are the ones where drugs will have an easy access. If you want to avoid drugs and save your children from this menace then foster ambition in them, give them dreams to pursue and make them individuals with a desire to achieve something in life. Then you will see that they will not be easily distracted. Their aim then will be to achieve something in life.

Have you ever followed a sportsman’s life?  A sportsman is motivated forever. In the bleak winters everyone feels like sleeping in the warmth of a quilt but a sportsman will still rise at 4 or 5 and go for his workouts. Why? because the goal is set. Similarly, if your child would be aimless, there are chances of him/her to fall prey to menace like drugs.

I remember the words of Vivekananda. These words are very apt for all the young people. Just keep repeating this thought over and over again. “Take a thought, make it your life. Ponder on it and dream about it. Make it an integral part of your dreams. Make it a part of your mind, brain, veins and each and every part of your body and forget everything else”.

This thought of Vivekananda is apt for every young person and that is why I say that each person should have an ambition in life. Having an ambition does not allow your focus on unnecessary things.

Some take it under peer pressure because it looks “cool”, some consider it as a style statement. So sometimes the youth inadvertently fall into this serious trap, due to the wrong mental perception. Addiction is neither cool nor a style statement. In reality, it is a precursor to destruction. So whenever your friends boast about their drug habits, do not applaud and enjoy such conversation. Do not be a mute spectator to such absurdities. Have the courage to stand against such conversations and say NO. Have the guts to despise such a conversation, reject such a conversation and have the guts to tell the person that he is wrong.

I would like to share some views with the parents too. These days none of us have time. All of us are running against time to earn our livelihood. We are racing against time to improve the quality of our lives. But in this blind race, do we have the time to spare for our kids. Do we ever work for our kid’s spiritual progress and discuss it with them, rather we discuss only material progress. How are they doing in their studies, what has been their progress in exam, what to eat and what not to eat, where to go and where not to go – majorly these topics form the core of the entire interactions. Do we share such a relationship that our children can bare their hearts to us? I request all of you to do this. If your children share a frank relationship then you can very well know what is going on in their life. Children do not take to bad habits suddenly. It happens gradually and it also impacts the home. Observe the changes that are happening in your home. If you observe closely then I believe that you may be successful in detecting the problem at the very beginning.  Be aware of your child’s friend circle and don’t keep your conversations focused just about progress. Your concern should extend to their inner depths, their thoughts, their logic, their books, their friends and their mobiles - how and where are they spending their time. These need to be taken care of. I believe that no one else can do what a parent can for their kids. Our ancestors have left us certain pearls of wisdom and that is why they are known as statesmen. A saying goes like this:

Paanch Varsh Laaw Lijiye

Dass Laaw Tadan dei
Paanch Varsh Laaw Lijiye

Dass Laaw Tadan dei
Sut Hi Solah Varsh Mein
Mitra Sarij Gani Dei

This means that till 5 years of age a child should grow in the loving and tender care of his parents, by the time he is 10 the values of discipline should be inculcated in him. Sometimes we see that an intelligent mother gets angry and does not speak with her child throughout the day. This is a big punishment for the child.  The mother punishes herself but the child too gets punished in turn. The mother just has to say that I will not talk and the 10 year old will remain worried the whole day long. He changes his habit and by the time he is of 16 years then the relationship should turn like a friend towards him. There should be an open conversation with him. This is a brilliant advice which has been passed on by our ancestors. I would like to see this inculcated in our family life.

Another thing brought to our notice is the role of the pharmacists. Some of the medicines lead to addiction. So such medicines should not be distributed without a doctor’s prescription. Sometimes a simple thing like a cough syrup can trigger addiction. It becomes the starting point for addiction. There are quite a few things that I would not like to raise from this platform. But we will have to follow and accept this discipline.

These days many children from villages go to city for higher education and start living in a hostel or a boarding school. I have heard that sometimes these avenues become the entry point of such addiction. For this the education system, the society and the security force will have to act as a vigilante. Each one will have to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. The government will fulfill the responsibilities on its end. We should constantly strive to fulfill our obligations.

I would also like to mention about the letters we have received. Some of them are interesting, some are filled with grief and some are inspiring. I cannot mention all, but I would like to mention one. There was a certain Mr. Dutt. He was deep into addiction .He was also jailed where he had several restrictions. Then later his life changed. He studied in jail and then his life was transformed. His story is very famous. He was in Yerawada Jail. There might be many such inspiring stories. Many people have been victorious in their fight against addiction. We too can come out of such habits and so we should definitely try. We should make efforts for de-addiction and rehabilitation. I would ask celebrities to be a part of this initiative - be it from the field of cinema, sports or someone concerned with public life. Be it the cultural or spiritual world, we should use every possible platform to create awareness. There should be constant messages in public interest. They will certainly have an effect. Those active on the social media, I would request them to create a continuous online movement by joining #DrugsFreeIndia hash-tag. This is more relevant because most of the addicted youth are a part of the social media. If we take this #DrugsFreeIndia hash-tag movement forward then we will do a great service for public awareness and education.

I want to take this concern forward.  I would request all those who have successfully come out of this addiction to share their stories. I touched this topic because like I said in the beginning grief becomes less on sharing. This is a topic of national concern and I am not here to sermonize. And neither am I entitled to preach. I am just sharing my grief with you. Those families who are suffering from this menace, I want to share their pain as well. I want to create a responsible environment. There can be difference of opinions but let us make a beginning somewhere.   

Like I mentioned before, I want to share happiness. Last week I had the opportunity to meet the Blind Cricket Team. They had won the world cup. What joy and excitement, they were exuding great self confidence. God has given us everything, eyes, hands, legs i.e. we are totally capable yet we lack this kind of determination and passion which I could see in the blind cricketers. What zeal and enthusiasm, really it was contagious. I felt super charged after meeting them. Such incidents bring great pleasure in life.

In the past few days there was yet another important news. The cricket team from Kashmir defeated Mumbai on their home ground. I do not view it as a matter of someone’s victory and other’s loss. I view it differently.  All the stadiums in Kashmir have been inundated after the floods.  Kashmir is passing through a tough phase. The circumstances have been extremely grim with these boys not standing any chance to practice. But the Team Spirit shown by these boys, their conviction and determination is awe inspiring. These boys have shown us that one can overcome the most trying and testing circumstances if one remains focused on our goals. This news gave me immense pleasure and I take this opportunity to congratulate all these players on their victory.

Two days back, the United Nations has decided to celebrate June 21st as International Yoga Day. It is a matter of great pride and honour for India. Our ancestors developed a beautiful tradition and today the entire world is associated with it. It does not merely benefit one personally but it has the potential to bring all the people together globally. The entire world came together on the issue of Yoga in the UN and a unanimous resolution was passed just two days back. 177 countries became the co-sponsors. In the past when it was decided to celebrate the birthday Mr. Nelson Mandela, 165 countries became co-sponsors. Before that efforts were on for International Toilet Day and 122 nations became co-sponsors to that initiative too. For celebrating Oct 2nd as Non Violence Day 140 Countries became co-sponsors, before that. But 177 countries co- sponsoring Yoga is a world record of sorts. I am thankful to all the countries that have come out in support and have honored the sentiments of the Indians and decided to observe World Yoga Day.  It is now our duty that Yoga reaches out to the masses in its true essence.

Last week I had the chance to have a meeting with the Chief Ministers of all the states. This tradition has been going on for the past 50-60 years. This time it was organized at the Prime Minister’s residence. We started it as a retreat program with no papers, no files and no officers. It was a simple interaction where the Prime Minister and Chief Minister were all the same, seated together like friends. For an hour or two, matters of national concern were seriously discussed in a friendly atmosphere. Everyone just poured their hearts out. There was no political agenda involved. This too was a memorable experience that I wanted to share with you.

Last week I had the chance to travel to the North East. I had been there for three days. Many a times youth express their desire to see the Taj, Singapore or Dubai. But I would urge all the nature lovers, all who want to experience the divinity in nature, to take a tour of the North East. I had gone earlier too. This time when I went as the Prime Minister, I tried to explore its potential. Our North east has tremendous potential and possibilities. It’s a land of beautiful people and beautiful surroundings. I was filled with immense joy visiting that place. Sometimes people ask Modi ji don’t you get tired? I want to say that whatever little fatigue I had, well the North East took it away completely, I am thoroughly rejuvenated. Such is the pleasure that I derived from that visit. The love and respect accorded by the people there is something that will stay with me forever. The kinship and affinity showed by the people of the North East touched me deeply. I will also tell you, it is not a joy for only Modi to enjoy, it is there for you to enjoy too.  So do travel to the North East and enjoy.

The next edition of Mann Ki Baat will happen in 2015. This is probably my last program in 2014. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I would like to wish all the very best of New Year hes in advance. It gives me immense pleasure to know that this program Mann Ki Baat is broadcast in regional languages by the Local Radio stations that same night at 8 pm. And it is surprising to know some of the regional voice-over artists also speak in the voice very similar to me. I am surprised at the brilliant work being done by the artists associated at Akashvani and I would like to congratulate them. I consider this as an effective medium to connect to the masses. We have had tremendous response. Seeing the response Akashvani has devised a new method. They have taken a new Post Box number. So now if you wish to write into me you can write on this Post Box number.

Mann Ki Baat

Post Box no 111, Akashvani

New Delhi.

I will be awaiting your letters. You do not realize that your letters become my inspiration. Some suggestions penned down can do good to the entire nation. I am thankful to you all. We will meet next in 2015 and on some Sunday morning we will again have our own Mann Ki Baat.

Thank you very much.

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Hare Krishna – Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna – Hare Krishna!

Governor of Maharashtra C.P. Radhakrishnan Ji, the popular Chief Minister of this place Shri Deva Bhau, Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde Ji, revered Guru Prasad Swami Ji, Hema Malini Ji, all the respected guests, devotees, brothers and sisters.

Today, on this great land of knowledge and devotion, the Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohanji temple is being inaugurated with the efforts of ISKCON. I am fortunate that I have got the opportunity to play my role in such a divine ritual. This is the immense love and affection of the saints of ISKCON, the blessing of Srila Prabhupada Swami. I thank all the revered saints and bow down to their feet. I was just seeing the outline of the Sri Radha Madan Mohanji temple complex. The idea behind this temple, its form, reflects the entire tradition of spirituality and knowledge. Various forms of God are seen in the temple, which also express our thought 'Eko Aham Bahu Syam'. In accordance with the interest and attraction of the new generation, a museum based on Ramayana and Mahabharata is also being built here. A garden based on the 12 forests of Vrindavan has also been developed here. I am confident that this temple complex will become a holy center to enrich the consciousness of India along with faith. I congratulate all the saints and members of ISKCON and the people of Maharashtra for this noble work.


Today, on this occasion, I am also emotionally remembering the most revered Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj. His vision is attached to this project, the blessings of his immense devotion towards Lord Krishna are attached to it. Today, he may not be here in physical body, but we all are feeling his spiritual presence. His affection, his memories have a special place in my life. When he released the world's largest Gita, he invited me for it and I also received that holy prasad. I also received his company on the occasion of Srila Prabhupad ji's 125th birth anniversary. I am satisfied that today I am seeing his another dream being fulfilled, I am becoming a witness to it.


The followers of ISKCON spread across the world are tied by the thread of devotion to Lord Krishna. There is another thread that connects them all, which keeps guiding every devotee 24 hours a day. This is the thread of Srila Prabhupad Swami's thoughts. He promoted the importance of Vedas, Vedanta and Gita at a time when the country was in the shackles of slavery. He performed a ritual to connect BhaktiVedanta with the consciousness of the common people. At the age of 70, when people considered their duties complete, he started a mission like ISKCON. After this, he continuously traveled the world, taking the message of Sri Krishna to every corner of the world. Today, crores of people in every corner of the world are getting the prasad of his penance. Srila Prabhupad Swami's activism, his efforts inspire us even today.


Our India is an extraordinary and wonderful land. India is not just a piece of land bound by geographical boundaries. India is a living land, a living culture, a living tradition. And, the consciousness of this culture is its spirituality! Therefore, if we want to understand India, we have to first imbibe spirituality. Those who see the world only from a physical point of view, see India also as a group of different languages and provinces. But, when you connect your soul with this cultural consciousness, then you get to see the vast form of India. Then you can see, saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu were born on the land of Bengal in the far east. Saints like Sant Namdev, Tukaram, and Dnyandev are born in Maharashtra in the west. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took the Mahavakya Mantra to the masses. The saints of Maharashtra distributed spiritual nectar with the mantra of 'Ramakrishna Hari', Ramakrishna Hari. Saint Dnyaneshwar made the esoteric knowledge of Lord Krishna accessible to the masses through the Dnyaneshwari Geeta. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada made the Gita popular through ISKCON. He connected people with the spirit of the Gita by publishing its commentaries. All these saints, born in different places, have been accelerating the flow of Krishna devotion in their own ways. There is a difference of years in the birth years of these saints, different languages, different methods, but the understanding is the same, the thoughts are the same, the consciousness is the same. Everyone breathed new life into the society with the light of devotion, gave it a new direction, gave it continuous energy.


As you all know, the main foundation of our spiritual culture is the spirit of service. In spirituality, service to the people and service to mankind become one. Our spiritual culture connects seekers with society and creates a sense of compassion in them. This feeling of devotion leads them towards service.

दातव्यम् इति यत् दानम दीयते अनुपकारिणे देशे काले च पात्रे च तत् दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम्।।

Shri Krishna has told us the meaning of true service in this shloka. He has explained in a very beautiful way that true service is that in which you have no selfish motive. The core of all our religious texts and scriptures is the spirit of service. Even such a huge organization like ISKCON works with this spirit of service. Many works related to education, health, and environment are done through your efforts. ISKCON is doing many big works of service in Kumbh.


I am satisfied that our government is also working in the interest of the countrymen with complete dedication and with this spirit of service. Building toilets in every house, providing Ujjwala gas connection to every poor woman, providing tap water facility to every house, providing free medical treatment up to Rs 5 lakh to every poor person, bringing every elderly person above the age of 70 under the ambit of this facility, providing permanent houses to every homeless person, these are the works done with this spirit of service, with this spirit of dedication, which for me is a prasad of our great cultural tradition. This spirit of service brings true social justice, and is a symbol of true secularism.


Our government is connecting different pilgrimage and religious places of the country through Krishna Circuit. This circuit extends to Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha. These places are being developed through Swadesh Darshan and Prasad Yojana. Different forms of Lord Krishna are seen in these temples. At some places he is seen in child form, while at other places Radha Rani is also worshipped along with him. In some temples his Karmayogi form is seen, while at other places he is worshipped as a king. Our effort is to make it easy to reach different places related to the life of Lord Krishna and visit temples. Special trains are also being run for this. ISKCON can also definitely help in bringing devotees to these centers of faith connected to Krishna Circuit. I request you to send all the devotees joining your center to at least 5 such places in India.


In the last decade, development and heritage have gained momentum together in the country. This mission of development through heritage is getting important support from institutions like ISKCON. Our temples or religious places have been the centers of social consciousness for centuries. Our Gurukuls have played an important role in promoting education and skill development. ISKCON also inspires the youth through its programs to make spirituality a part of their lives. And it is wonderful to see how the young seekers of ISKCON, while following their tradition, assimilate modern technology. And your information network is worth learning for others.

I am confident that under the guidance of ISKCON, the youth will work in the national interest with a spirit of service and dedication. People will also get the facility of Bhaktivedanta Ayurvedic Healing Center in this complex. And my opinion is, I have always given a message to the world - 'Heal in India'. For care, and for being healthy in an all-round way, for well being, 'Heal in India'. BhaktiVedanta College for Vedic Education has also been established here. Every society, the entire country will benefit from this.


We all are seeing that the more modern the present society is becoming, the more it needs sensitivity. We have to create a society of sensitive people. A society that moves forward with human values. A society where the feeling of belongingness is spread. An institution like ISKCON can give new life to the sensitivity of the world through its BhaktiVedanta. Your institution can use its capabilities to spread human values all over the world. I am confident that the great people of ISKCON will always be ready to keep the ideals of Prabhupad Swami alive. I once again congratulate the entire ISKCON family and all the countrymen for the Radha Madan Mohanji temple.

Thank you all so very much.

Hare Krishna – Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna – Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna – Hare Krishna!