My colleague in the Union Cabinet Dr. Jitendra Singh, all the scientists who have come here from across the country, other distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen!
Today, India has taken a very historic step in the world of research. Five years ago, the Genome India Project was approved. Despite the challenges posed by COVID, our scientists have worked diligently to complete this project. I am happy that more than 20 leading research institutions in the country, such as IISc, IITs, CSIR, and BRIC, have played a key role in this research. The data from this project, the genome sequencing of 10,000 Indians, is now available at the Indian Biological Data Center. I am confident that this project will prove to be a milestone in the field of Biotechnology Research. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the colleagues associated with this project.
The Genome India Project is an important milestone in India's Biotechnology Revolution. I have been informed that with the help of this project, we have successfully created a Diverse Genetic Resource in the country. Under this project, genome sequencing of 10,000 individuals from different populations across the country has been completed. Now, this data will be made available to our scientists and researchers. This will greatly assist our scholars and scientists in understanding India's genetic landscape. This information will also make it easier for the country’s policy formulation and planning.
You all are experts in your respective fields, distinguished scientists. You are also aware that the vastness and diversity of India are not limited to food, language, and geography. There is significant diversity in the genes of the people living in India as well. Naturally, the nature of diseases is also filled with diversity. Therefore, it is crucial to understand which type of medicine will benefit which individual. For this, it is essential to know the genetic identity of the citizens of the country.
For example, sickle cell anemia is a major crisis in our tribal society. To address this, we have launched a national mission. However, even here, there are many challenges. It is possible that the problem of sickle cell anemia in one region of our tribal society may not exist in another region, and there may be a different issue. We will only be able to know all these details when we have a complete genetic study. This will help us understand the unique genomic patterns of the Indian population. Only then can we prepare specific solutions or effective medicines for the particular issues of a specific group.
I have mentioned sickle cell as an example, but this is not limited to that. I used it only as an illustration. India is still unaware of a large portion of hereditary diseases, i.e., diseases that are transferred from one generation to the next. The Genome India Project will help in the development of effective treatments for all such diseases in India.
In the 21st century, the combination of biotechnology and biomass is a crucial part of India's foundation as it develops its Bio Economy. The goal of a Bio Economy is to make the proper use of natural resources, promote bio-based products and services, and create new employment opportunities in this sector. The Bio Economy drives sustainable development and offers opportunities for innovation. I am pleased to share that in the past 10 years, the country's Bio Economy has advanced rapidly. The Bio Economy, which was valued at 10 billion dollars in 2014, has now grown to over 150 billion dollars. India is also working towards taking its Bio Economy to new heights. Not long ago, India launched the Bio E3 Policy. The vision of this policy is for India to emerge as a leader in the global biotech landscape, similar to the IT Revolution. You, the scientists, play a significant role in this, and I extend my best wishes to all of you in this endeavor.
As a major pharmaceutical hub in the world, India is now giving a new dimension to its identity. Over the past decade, India has taken several revolutionary steps in the field of public healthcare. Providing free treatment to millions of Indians, offering medicines at an 80% discount in Jan Aushadhi Kendras, and building modern medical infrastructure are significant achievements of the last 10 years. During the COVID pandemic, India proved the strength of our pharma ecosystem. Our goal is to establish a strong supply and value chain for pharmaceutical manufacturing within India. The Genome India Project will now give a new momentum to India's efforts in this direction, filling them with new energy.
Today, the world is looking towards India for solutions to global problems. For our future generations, this is both a responsibility and an opportunity. That is why a very large research ecosystem is being developed in India today. In the past 10 years, tremendous emphasis has been placed on research and innovation at every level of education. Today, in more than 10,000 Atal Tinkering Labs, our students are conducting new experiments every day. To promote the innovative ideas of young people, hundreds of Atal Incubation Centers have been established across the country. The Prime Minister's Research Fellowship Scheme is also being run to support research during PhD studies. To encourage multi-disciplinary and international research, a National Research Fund has been created. Through the Anusandhan National Research Foundation, new advancements are expected in every sector, such as science, engineering, environment, and health. To further research and investment in sunrise technologies, the government has decided to create a corpus of one lakh crore rupees. This will also contribute to the development of the biotechnology sector and greatly assist young scientists.
Recently, the government has made another important decision regarding One Nation One Subscription. The government will ensure that students and researchers in India can easily access world-renowned journals without having to bear any costs. These efforts will greatly contribute to making India the knowledge hub and innovation hub of the 21st century.
Just as our Pro-People Governance and Digital Public Infrastructure have given the world a new model, I am confident that the Genome India Project will similarly strengthen India's image in the field of genetic research. Once again, I extend my heartfelt wishes for the success of the Genome India Project.
Thank you. Namaskar.