Shri Narendra Modi at International Sindhi Mahasammelan

Published By : Admin | December 16, 2011 | 15:29 IST


16th December, 2011

I feel honored to have your presence. Friends, I respect you people from my heart, I admire you all and I have a revered feeling for you all in my mind and heart. And it is not just because as a Chief Minister, I have to say so, it’s not like that. There is a logic and fact behind it. When we look towards the cultural journey of entire human race and go to its roots, we stop after reaching at a particular spot, from where the development journey of human culture began. That is the place from where your ancestors made great deeds. You are the part of that great legacy. Your ancestors have made those great deeds and therefore I have a revered feeling towards that heritage and you being its representative, naturally it is expressed towards you.

The welfare of the entire humankind was always thought on the banks of Sindhu (the Indus) and Saraswati. When I went to Dholavira during my student life, Harappan culture, Mohenjo-Daro… and people over there explained me about the nicety, I used to feel so proud for the far sighted thinking of our ancestors. Each and every brick, every stone depicts the story of great sons for their great deeds for the heritage of the Indus Culture. Today the world discusses about the Olympic Games and big play grounds and stadiums. There might be many people among you who might not been fortunate enough to look towards the great deeds made by your own ancestors. If you visit Dholavira, you will find that 5000 years ago there was such a big stadium and big sports events were held, all the signs are still available there. It means what great attitude they had for it… At present, there is a concept of signage in the whole world, Friends. If a lane goes on this side then its name is written with an arrow, there are signages. And who needs signages? If you go to a small village, you will not find any such signages indicating that here is a way to Patel Street, the Baniya Lane… nothing of such sort is written over there. Because villages are small and everyone knows what is where, so there is no need to put on any board. 5000 years back, Dholavira was the first town of the world to have signages, they still exist today. What must be the reason? There might be two reasons. One, it must be a very big town and secondly, many foreigners might be visiting there and therefore only such signages might be required. Friends, Can you imagine such a legacy, 5000 years back. Do you feel anytime? And I wish that when we are conducting such programme and we are gathered here, singing glory of this great tradition, there should be some plan of action for introducing the history and culture to the new generation.

Friends, I have a mood to talk to you as a Friend rather than as a Chief Minister. Many times I feel that… Since here in Ahmedabad, I must have taken meals in more than half of Sindhi family’s house. As for 35 years, I lead a life like that only, I used to visit many families and eat at their houses, this was my routine… And therefore I have observed all this things very closely. But now if I visit any Sindhi family, the children are seen around Pasta and Pizza, so I feel that who will now serve me Mitha Lolla, Tikha Lolla, Pakwan? You just think, all this is going away now. All this things are now vanishing from my Sindhi Families. Isn’t this our responsibility to save our culture? Many times I tell my friends to arrange Sindhi Food Festival in Ahmedabad at least sometimes. This Narendra serves the whole world but is never able to serve any Sindhi Dish. I have told you that I am talking with you not as a Chief Minister but as a close pal. Because I have grown and bought up among you and so I know. You may go and ask young generation, what was the traditional Sindhi attire? What we used to wear? The world has changed, a lot of westernization is imbibed within you, excuse me for that. The Families speaking Sindhi language are getting reduced. Even Mother and the son have also started speaking in English. Friends, one who is able to sustain his mother tongue, lifestyle, traditional costumes in the world, has the power to put a life in it once again. And as a community, if you have lost the path, then I have a request that once take a resolution to speak in Sindhi at home. Whether we are in America, staying in Hong Kong, if we have been to China, anywhere we might go… why should not we speak Sindhi? And Sindhi language, a language itself has her own strength. Once Advaniji was narrating me, Benazir Bhutto had come here and they had a formal meeting, all the protocols were there, but the moment she saw Advaniji, Benazir started speaking in Sindhi and there was so much warmth between them in whole atmosphere, they were talking so freely… Now see, a language has so much of power and if we lose it… If a profession needs English then use it definitely, learn ten more languages, who is taking objection? On the contrary, it should be learnt. If you sit with our Sureshji, when he speaks Gujarati, no one is able to recognize that he knows Sindhi language also, he speaks Gujarati so fluently. He speaks Gujarati so well that not a single word is misspoken. I am really happy with this. But I feel that… Just see, here is a Sindhi Gathering, no one has worn Sindhi dress. Don’t take it as a criticism, Friends. This is your legacy, your strength, why are you losing it? It hurts me. And that’s why I am telling that sometimes at least you all may wear Sindhi costumes. See, our people went to Mauritius 150-200 years ago. They went there as labourers, rather as slaves. They were hand cuffed and taken in the ships. But they took with them Ramayana, ‘Tulsikrit Ramayana’, as they did not have anything else to carry. They went to Mauritius, and to many other such countries, but they had only this support. Today even after 200 years, many things are changed, but since they had Ramayana with them, they have been able to maintain the same relation with this soil. They have not changed their names, they have continued singing hymns of Ramayana and because of that their relationship… Otherwise how many generations are changed in 200 years. Those people are present here who have seen the Sindhi Culture and also gone through those dreadful days and later tried their luck in India, the entire generation is present. But who will be there after 50 years? Who will tell about the great deeds of your ancestors, who will narrate? And therefore Ladies & Gentlemen, according to me, the society, the community, the country which forgets its history, can never make a history. Only those can form a history, who knows to live it. Those who bury the history, can do nothing in their life but to drape over a sheet. And so, being descendants of such a great legacy, you should preserve it, love it. And if we don’t love our heritage, how can we expect our neighbours to adore it? And this passion is not against anybody. To be proud of our virtues doesn’t mean to hurt or abuse anybody. We should be proud to have a glorious history..!

If you get an opportunity to visit Kutch, do go. You must have heard the story, 400 years back there was a man named Mekan Dada in Kutch. People used to go to worship Hinglaj Mata but due to the scarcity of water in the desert, sometimes they died in the desert itself. The devotees used to suffer a lot to cross the desert and go towards Sindh to have an auspicious presence of Hinglaj Mata. Mekan Dada used to keep a donkey and a dog with him which were trained to keep a watch if anybody in the desert is in trouble. The donkey and the dog used to deliver water in the desert and if required also carry the needy. And he was fortunate to have a well there on the outskirts of the desert which contained pure sweet water, it is available today also, if you ever visit. That place was destroyed during earthquake, but we have restored it, re-established it. 400 years back what Mekan Dada wrote, is still exists today. He wrote one thing that a day would come… A person who wrote this 400 years ago, was a watchman on the borders of Gujarat and Sindh, that Mekan Dada wrote that a day would come when Sindhu, Saraswati and Narmada all the three would confluence. Who had thought at that time that Sardar Sarovar Dam will be built on the river Narmada and from Sardar Sarovar, the water of Narmada will reach on the banks of Sindh, who would have thought? And you may be aware, now whenever there is flood in the river Sindhu, then on that side of Pakistan, a dam is built before the sea, so when the Sindhu river gets overflowed, the maximum water is flowed in our desert, in India towards Gujarat. And if you see this spot, it is miles broad bed where the water flows, but unfortunately it becomes salty, bitter just like sea water and it becomes of no use. But I went to see that spot in the desert where that water comes and then I wrote a letter to the Indian Government that can’t we have a talk with Pakistan? that this flood water which flows down in the sea, if we divert it towards this side through canal, then the Mekan Dada’s dream of combining Sindhu, Saraswati and Narmada can be fulfilled by us. Friends, this is the legacy we should be proud of and ought to be associated with.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I respect this community for one more reason also. You can imagine how could be those days of 1947, when the country was divided, everything was ruined, everything was destroyed and you came here with faith in God. Why did you come here, Friends? To get something, to achieve something? What was not with you? You came here because of your love for this soil, for this great heritage. You were not ready to give up this culture of your ancestors, therefore you have faced troubles. Is this spirit percolating in your children? If not, then it is not the dearth of our ancestors, it is the fault of our present generation and so it is necessary to think of it seriously. Friends, I used to observe a Sindhi gentleman in my village during my childhood. That time I was smaller in age then him, he was of somewhat 60-65 years old. His financial condition was very bad… I could still remember his whole face. A very weak-thin body, with worn-torn clothes and he was always seen on the bus stop selling Papad or chocolates and biscuits to the passengers in a tray. As long as I stayed in my village he was alive and I always saw him doing the same work. That one scene still touches my heart. How poor he was, leading a very miserable life, even his body was not supporting. Mine was a small village, who would consume biscuits or chocolates there? Who would spend? But even then he used to stand on the bus-stop with the professional spirit, trying to earn something by selling something but I never saw him begging. There are very few societies which have this strength. And this is in the genetic system of the Sindhi community, the strength of self-respect. They never beg..! You are the possessor of that inheritance. How to pass on this tradition on our children, how to make them ready?

Friends, Professional Skill..! Our Gopaldas Bhojwani is sitting here, when I was young, we used to go and sit on his shop sometimes. One thing came to our notice, I don’t know whether that tradition is present today or not. But from socio-economic point of view, I have kept my subject before many people, spoken at different places. Now whether that tradition still exists or not that I don’t know, but that time I saw it with my own eyes. Whenever any Sindhi youth or a person started his business then his friends, relatives, all would come on the inauguration and handed an envelope. Nothing would be written on that envelope, but it contained some money, some amount. Whoever came would give him. I asked with curiosity that what is this going on? Then I came to know that it is the tradition of their community, that whenever a person starts a new business then the community people come to meet and give him some money, which helps as a capital to carry his business. And afterwards, if there is any such opportunity, he himself also goes and gives it to somebody else. But the giver’s name is not written. Friends, the tradition that I have seen had excellent socio-economical concept to help our own relatives, the person of our own society to stabilize in business. This in itself may probably be the rarest in the world. Here, during the marriages it is given in this way to share the marriage expenditure with the family. But such a tradition in business came to my notice when I used to attend opening ceremonies of the shops of Sindhi families. And I feel that what an excellent socio-economic thinking is extended by our ancestors..! No one, just no one will be drown, everybody will give their helping hands and try to pull him up, such a great tradition.

I was just now asking Shrichandji if there is any Sindhi TV Channel. I know that, but why I asked him that you should know, isn’t it? I know that… No, to have small-time programmes is a different thing, that is not a full-fledged channel, short programmes go on air. No, I had asked the question at the right place. Now he is asking for some land. He is a businessman, why are you devaluating us, Hindujaji? Whole Gujarat is yours, my Brother & Sisters, the whole Gujarat is yours. Whole Gujarat is at your hands, enjoy it..! But few gentlemen from Mumbai have come forward, possibly they have come here, to build a similar Sindhi Cultural Centre near Narayan Sarovar and we have given them a big land for that purpose. The work is in progress to build a very nice cultural centre at the Narayan Sarovar, which is the last end of today’s India and lies near the border of Pakistan. That will be very beneficial and a great work is going to happen. Yes, they are sitting here… That will be a very nice job, I am sure.

You all know very well that Gujarat has made great progress and development. You all would like to have food or should I narrate the story of Gujarat..? Voice is not coming. Yes, Sindhis eat food very late, I also when used to work for the whole day and if it gets late, then eat food at your house only, I used to go at any Sindhi house and there I would get something to eat. No, at today’s date, you certainly eat. Well, by and large this has been the image of Gujarat that we were a trader’s state and what we used to do as a trader’s state? We used to buy goods from one place, sell it at other and take out the cream in between. This was it, what would the businessmen do? From that it is transformed. Today Gujarat has become an industrial state. And in the first decade of this 21st Century, the heights that are crossed by Gujarat, if anyone takes Gujarat as a sample then he may become confident that if it is possible in Gujarat then it can be made possible in the whole India and our country can become great. Because we are the same kind of people in each and every corner of India. The same are the laws and the same system. Progress and Development are possible, this is the example placed by Gujarat.

There was a time, when the coastal area of 1600 km was considered as a burden. We felt that what will happen here? This water, this salty water, lack of drinking water… People of Kutch and Saurashtra went on departing their villages. The villages were getting vacant. We had considered it as burden. Friends, today we have converted that sea into an opportunity. Once which was considered as a burden has been converted into an opportunity and we have raised a complete network of more than 40 ports on 1600 KMs of coastal area. And 85% of the total private cargo of India is handled on the coasts of Gujarat.

Kutch. There was a terrible earthquake in 2001, it was felt as if Gujarat would be ruined. And it was a shattering earthquake, more than 13,000 people were killed, lakhs of houses were collapsed, the entire infrastructure came to an end. Schools, colleges nothing, even hospitals were not left. The God was so enraged that we could not even imagine. In other words, Gujarat was sleeping under a death sheet and the whole country believed that now Gujarat would not endure any more. Friends, the World Bank record shows that even a developed country needs 7 years to come out after disaster like earthquake, minimum 7 years. Friends, Gujarat could sprint within 3 years. There was a time when the growth of Kutch was negative, even population. People were migrating, population was getting reduced. Kutch which was once covered under a sheet of death, today it is the fastest growing district of India, fastest growing. In these 10 years, the work related to the production of 8000 MW of electricity has been started within the radius of 20 KMs around Mundra in Kutch. It means that the production of electricity has been started, within the radius of 20 KMs only. There might be many states in India who may not be having electricity equal to 8000 MW in total. And here, production of 8000 MW of electricity within the radius of 20 KMs..! The production of Steel Pipes within 15 KMs of radius near Anjar is the highest in the world.

Friends, Gujarat is such a state which lacks raw-material, we do not have mines and minerals, we do not have iron ores… but we produce the highest steel. We do not have diamond mines, but 9 out of 10 diamonds in the world are prepared by us. There would not be any actress in the world with diamond on her body which is not touched by my Gujarati. God has not bestowed us, we have not got that fortune, we do not have. We do not have the coal, we do not have water, in spite of that Gujarat is the only state in India that supplies electricity for 24 hours, it supplies electricity for 24x7 house to house, 24 hours electricity is available. Here, if ever the power supply is cut just for 5 minutes then it becomes a big news that it was dark for 5 minutes today in the State of Modi..! Other states of India are such that where if power comes then it becomes a news that there was power on Tuesday..! Friends, there is such a vast difference in the scale of development.

In the world of pharmaceuticals about 45% of medicines are produced in Gujarat. We export it in every country of the world. We were in the world of chemicals, if you get an opportunity to visit Dahej, the only liquid chemical port of India and where our new S.I.R. has been set up, in Dahej. It is equivalent to Shanghai, it is compared, we have chemical port like that of Sanghai in Dahej and now S.I.R is being set up there. So, Gujarat was mainly identified in the world of chemical production, now from there we have entered in the field of engineering. When ‘Nano’ arrived here, Gujarat came in the limelight on the map of the world for the first time, else nobody knew its existence. Friends, ‘Nano’ has just arrived and it would not be out of place to say the least that now all the well known car companies are coming to Gujarat. In the coming days, we will be manufacturing about 5 million cars in Gujarat, five million cars. You can imagine how the economy will be working here, with what pace we will be growing..! We have entered yet another sector in the industrial development.

The whole world is discussing about ‘Global Warming’ & ‘Climate Change’. There are only four Governments in the world that are having their own Climate Change Department and the Government is working accordingly. Only four in the world, and one of these four is the Government of Gujarat. We have a separate Climate Change Department and we emphasize more on Eco-friendly development, because we know the way Gujarat is developing, the human life should also be taken care of as well and there should be a proper balance between them. And in that, we have taken an initiative of Solar Energy. Friends, I can say with pride that Gujarat has become the ‘Solar Capital’ of the world, we are the World Capital of Solar Energy. In the coming days, in the field of Solar Energy, in the field of Solar Energy Equipments Manufacturing, we are going to dominate and in the future we are going to take it further. We are bringing a policy for Roof-top Solar Energy System targeting to have Solar System on the roof of every house that will be constructed. The Government will decide to purchase the power from them, as the way the prices of petroleum and coal are sky rocketing, a very big crisis of electricity may arise. And Friends, I can say with confidence, no matter how big the crisis may come, Gujarat will tide from that. And the development will come to a grinding halt without energy. Wherever will be this crisis, the development will be stopped. But we have very thoughtfully worked on it. These days we are working a lot on Bio-fuel. And Friends, the day will come when instead of depending on fossil fuel, we will make do with Bio-fuel. The Bio-fuel will be generated in the fields. We are largely working in that direction and committed with an ideology to use ‘Jhadi’ (Shrub) Oil, instead of ‘Khadi’ (Gulf) Oil. A situation will come for a major change due to this ideology.

Friends, there was a time when about 4000 villages were supplied water with tankers for almost 6 months after February. Till the time these tankers did not reach such villages, there was no potable water available. This was the situation of Gujarat till 2001-02. We planned to provide Narmada water through pipeline in villages and laid about 1400 km of pipeline within 700 days, 1400 KMs of pipeline in stupendous 700 days. It is a common practice in our country that it takes 2 years to lay 2 inch pipeline and the potholes remain as it is. Why? The reply is that water pipeline is being laid. We laid down 1400 KMs of pipeline in just 700 days and the size is such that you can easily go through in your Maruti car with your family, that big is the size. 1400 KMs of pipeline in just 700 days. Gujarat is the only state in the country having gas grid of 2200 KMs. Here most households are getting gas supply just by tapping from the pipeline, there is no need of cylinders. It has taken place in many cities and will move forward in many more towns. It means we have taken up a new form of infrastructure. In the past, the infrastructure was in form of construction of new roads, bus stop, gradually came the construction of railway station, then air port… Our thinking of infrastructure is keeping the needs of 21st century in mind, gas grid, water grid… It is in that direction. The other thing that we have taken up is the work of Optical Fiber Network. We are at No.1 position in the world, with regard to the length of Optical Fiber Network. And Friends, there has been a great change in the journey of development of human culture. There was a time, wherever there was river, there was habitation human civilization. Then there came a change, the human civilization developed near the highways. Now people build even temples near highways, so that ‘clients’ would not suffer. But Friends, the time is changing. Now the human civilization is going to be developed at the place near the passage of Optical Fiber. And Gujarat is the State having longest lengthwise Optical Fiber Network in the world. In the last Budget of 2011-2012, the Government of India had declared to initiate a pilot project of broadband connectivity in 3000 villages. It was Delhi’s Indian Government, please excuse me if there is anyone over here connected to any party, I am not criticizing any party. But the Indian Government had declared at the time of Budget to make pilot project of broadband connectivity in 3000 villages. Ladies & Gentlemen, you will be pleased to know that 18,000 villages in Gujarat already have broadband connectivity for last three years and because of that, today I can have video conference from Gandhinagar to any village, we are able to have long distance education in the remote schools and impart teaching, a qualified teacher is now able to teach children of the villages situated at a distance of 500 km from Gandhinagar itself, this is the network in Gujarat..!

Usually, States keep asking for some or the other things from the Centre. It is always appeared in the newspaper that there is demand for construction of roads, this and that is demanded, demanded money for a hospital, more wheat is demanded, somewhere it is appeared that give us salt, such thing also comes… so this is what in our country. But what does Gujarat ask for? Gujarat has a different approach to ask. I had written a letter to the Prime Minister before one year. I told him that Sir, we are having so many satellites, give me some right to make a use of these satellites, this is the letter I had written. Because so much of technology is being used here and for that I need this network. And Friends, I am glad as three days back the Indian Government has authorized us to utilize one transponder, i.e. 36 MHz from the satellite. At present, I am able to run one channel for long distance, but now will be able to run 14 channels, fourteen. You can imagine at what heights and level I am taking the development to..! We are working on such a large canvas. I have given a small glimpse of few things.

Friends, we do such works that you will be astonished by listening it. In these 10 years, the growth rate of milk production is 60% in Gujarat, can you imagine? There is 60% growth. And it is the result of hard work made for that. We organize ‘Cattle Health Fairs’ here. And a cattle is not supposed to be taken for more than 3 KMs, because to take a sick cattle more than that it is a crime and a sin. We conduct about 3000-3500 Cattle Camps for their health check-ups. And we have been conducting this consecutively from last seven years. The vaccinations, medicines, their proper care… it resulted in for example as if it’s very cold, we catch cold, if it rains heavily we catch cold, in the same way it happens with cattle also. Few diseases are such that if there is a slight change in weather, it immediately affects cattle. But because of the regular care, 112 diseases were such which are totally eradicated from my state, they are wiped out and it has made a great effect on the cattle’s health. Not only this, how do we take care of the cattle..? We have cataract surgery and in some poor areas people conduct ‘Netra Yagna’ (eye camps) in the name of charity and implant free lens to the poor people. We all have heard about the cataract operation, intraocular lens… This is the first time that I am telling you that Gujarat is the only State in the whole world where the cataract operations for the cattle are conducted. Operations of the lens for the cattle are carried out in my State, Dental treatment of animals are carried in my State, because of such exquisite care, today we have reached here in milk production. And Friends, those who have come here from Singapore, I can tell with confidence that if they are drinking Indian style tea in Singapore, then write it down, the milk will be of my Gujarat. Friends, the work that we have done in agricultural sector… Today in any country of the world, if Lady’s Finger is cooked, you make write it down, it would be from my Bardoli. Friends, there was a time when ‘Kesar’ of Gir was famous. Today ‘Kesar’ of Kutch, which was once a desert… Mangoes are produced in Kutch and today ‘Kesar’ of my Kutch is exported in the entire world.

Friends, I have shown you just a small trailer of what can be done within 10 years, if you wish to see the whole movie, it may take a month. There has been development in all the sectors, and development is the only Mantra. Ladies & Gentlemen, development is the only solution to all the troubles, all the problems, with that only ideology we are moving ahead.

I am thankful for giving me an opportunity to meet you all. What I told you in the beginning that was because of the feeling of affection towards you, the feeling of respect that I have in my mind towards you, on that basis I again request you all, not to ruin this great heritage, do not let this culture be shattered. If you make some arrangement to imbibe this language, this culture, this cuisines within your children then I believe it would be a great service to the nation.


Thank you very much..!

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78-வது சுதந்திர தின விழாவையொட்டி செங்கோட்டை கொத்தளத்தில் இருந்து பிரதமர் திரு நரேந்திர மோடி நிகழ்த்திய உரையின் தமிழாக்கம்
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Important to maintain the authenticity of handloom craftsmanship in the age of technology: PM at Bharat Tex
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Bharat Tex is becoming a strong platform for engagement, collaboration and partnership for the policymakers, CEOs and industry leaders from across the world: PM
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My Cabinet colleagues, Shri Giriraj Singh Ji and Pabitra Margherita Ji, esteemed ambassadors of various nations, senior diplomats, officials from the central and state governments, distinguished figures from the world of fashion and textiles, entrepreneurs, students, my dear weaver and artisan friends, ladies and gentlemen!

Today, Bharat Mandapam is hosting the second edition of Bharat Tex. This event not only celebrates our rich traditions but also showcases the immense possibilities of a Viksit Bharat (developed India). It is a matter of immense joy for the nation that the seed we planted is now rapidly growing into a banyan tree. Bharat Tex is evolving into a premier global textiles event. This time, the entire spectrum of the value chain is represented, with 12 associated groups participating together. Additionally, accessories, garments, machinery, chemicals, and dyes are on display. Bharat Tex is emerging as a powerful platform for engagement, collaboration, and partnership among policymakers, CEOs, and industry leaders from across the world. The dedicated efforts of all stakeholders in making this event a success are truly commendable, and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved.


Today, Bharat Tex has participation from over 120 countries— as Giriraj Ji mentioned, 126 countries—meaning that every entrepreneur present here is gaining exposure to these 120+ nations. They have the opportunity to expand their businesses from local to international levels. Those seeking new markets are gaining valuable insights into the cultural preferences of different nations.

Earlier, I had the chance to visit some of the exhibition stalls. Though I could not see everything—had I attempted to do so, it would have taken me two days, which I am sure you would not permit—I did manage to interact with many representatives and understand their perspectives. Several participants shared that after attending Bharat Tex last year, they acquired new buyers on a large scale, significantly expanding their businesses. One particularly interesting comment, or rather a ‘sweet complaint,’ was brought to my attention. Some participants expressed that the demand for their products has surged to such an extent that they are struggling to meet it. Additionally, some entrepreneurs informed me that setting up a factory typically requires an investment of Rs 70–75 crore, and each such facility provides employment to around 2,000 people. To those in the banking sector, I would like to emphasize—please take note of their needs, understand the priorities, and extend your support accordingly.


This event is providing a significant boost to investment, exports, and overall growth in the textile sector.


At Bharat Tex, our garments beautifully reflect Bharat's cultural diversity. From East to West, North to South, we boast a vast array of traditional garments, each with multiple variations. Lucknowi Chikan, the Bandhani of Rajasthan and Gujarat, the Patola of Gujarat, the Banarasi Silk of my Kashi, Kanjeevaram Silk from the South, and Pashmina from Jammu and Kashmir—this is the perfect opportunity for such events to showcase our rich heritage. Our diversity and unique craftsmanship should serve as a driving force for the expansion of the garment industry.


Last year, I spoke about the five ‘F’ factors in the textile industry—Farm, Fibre, Fabric, Fashion, and Foreign. This vision is now evolving into a mission for Bharat, unlocking new avenues of growth for farmers, weavers, designers, and traders alike. Over the past year, Bharat's textile and apparel exports have increased by 7 percent. Now, are you going to applaud for just 7 percent? Let’s save the applause for when we achieve a 17 percent increase next time! Today, we are the sixth-largest exporter of textiles and apparel in the world, with our textile exports reaching Rs 3 lakh crore. Our goal now is to increase this to Rs 9 lakh crore by 2030. However, while I mention 2030, given the enthusiasm I have witnessed here today, I suspect you might surpass my projections and achieve this target even sooner!


This success is the result of a decade of relentless effort and consistent policies. It is due to these sustained efforts that foreign investment in our textile sector has doubled over the past ten years. Today, some friends shared with me that many foreign companies are keen to invest in Bharat. To them, I said—You are our greatest ambassadors! When you speak about Bharat's opportunities, people believe it instantly. If the government says something, they may scrutinise it, verify facts, and deliberate over it. But when a fellow businessman from the same industry speaks, others trust their word and seize the opportunity without hesitation.


You are all aware that the textile industry is one of the most vital sectors in our country, providing extensive employment opportunities. This industry contributes 11% to Bharat's manufacturing sector. You must have noticed in this year's budget that we have placed a strong emphasis on 'Mission Manufacturing', and you are an integral part of this mission. Therefore, as investment flows into this sector and growth accelerates, crores of textile workers are reaping the benefits.


Our commitment is to address the challenges of India's textile sector and unlock new opportunities. To achieve this, we are implementing visionary and long-term strategies. A reflection of our efforts can be seen in this year's budget. Keeping in mind the industry’s key requirements, we are working to ensure a reliable cotton supply within the country, make Indian cotton globally competitive, and strengthen our entire value chain. To this end, we have announced a 'Mission for Cotton Productivity'. Additionally, we are focusing on emerging sectors such as technical textiles. I recall my time as the Chief Minister of Gujarat when I used to interact with people from the textile industry. Back then, when I spoke about technical textiles, they would ask me what I meant. Today, I am pleased to see Bharat establishing itself in this domain. We are actively promoting indigenous carbon fibre and its derivative products, and Bharat is making significant strides in producing high-grade carbon fibre. Alongside these efforts, we are implementing crucial policy decisions to support the textile industry. For example, in this year's budget, the classification criteria for MSMEs have been revised and expanded. Additionally, credit availability has been increased. Given that MSMEs contribute 80% to our textile sector, these reforms will bring tremendous benefits.


Any sector can only thrive when it has access to a skilled workforce. In the textile industry, skill plays a defining role. That is why we are working to develop a strong talent pool specifically for this sector. Our 'National Centres of Excellence for Skilling' are playing a crucial role in this initiative, while the 'Samarth Yojana' is helping equip workers with the necessary skills across the value chain. Earlier today, I had the opportunity to speak with several women who have been trained under 'Samarth'. Hearing about their progress over the past five, seven, or even ten years filled me with immense pride. At the same time, we recognise that in this age of technology, traditional handloom and artisanal skills must continue to receive due importance. Our goal is to bring the craftsmanship of handloom artisans to global markets, enhance their capabilities, and create new opportunities for them. We are actively working in this direction. Over the past decade, more than 2,400 major marketing events have been organised to promote handlooms—more than 2,400! Additionally, an e-commerce platform named 'India-Handmade' has been launched to facilitate online marketing of handloom products. Thousands of handloom brands have already registered on the platform, and they are greatly benefiting from the GI tagging of handloom products.


The 'Textiles Startup Grand Challenge' was launched during last year’s Bharat Tex event to encourage innovative and sustainable solutions for the textile sector from young minds. Youth from across the country participated in this challenge with great enthusiasm. The winners of this competition have also been invited here today, and they are present among us. Additionally, start-ups keen to support and nurture these young innovators have also been invited. This initiative is being supported by IIT Madras, the Atal Innovation Mission, and several leading private textile organisations. Such pitch fests will significantly boost the start-up culture in the country.

I urge our young entrepreneurs to establish new techno-textile start-ups and develop fresh, groundbreaking ideas. I also have a suggestion for our textile industry—collaborate with institutes like IITs to develop innovative tools for the sector. We are witnessing a growing trend on social media where the younger generation is increasingly embracing traditional attire alongside modern styles. As a result, the fusion of tradition and innovation has become more important than ever. We must introduce products inspired by our traditional clothing that appeal not only to young Indians but also to global audiences. Another crucial aspect is the rising influence of technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an expanding role in identifying new fashion trends and creating innovative styles. During my recent visit to the NIFT stall, I was informed that AI is now being used to predict the fashion trends of 2026. Previously, the world dictated fashion trends to us—we were told to wear black, and we complied. But now, we will set the trends for the world. This is why, while on one hand, traditional Khadi is being promoted, on the other, AI is being leveraged to analyse future fashion trends.

I recall an event from my early days as Chief Minister, around 2003. On Gandhi Jayanti, I organised a Khadi fashion show in Porbandar, the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. Students from NIFT and NID collaborated to bring this vision to life. The show was held to the background music of the bhajan "Vaishnav Jan To Tene Re Kahiye." At the time, I had invited some of Vinoba Bhave’s close associates to attend. Since fashion shows often use language and expressions that the older generation may find unfamiliar, they were initially sceptical about the idea. However, I personally convinced them to come. After witnessing the event, they told me, "If we want to make Khadi popular, this is the way forward." Today, Khadi is making remarkable progress and capturing global attention. We must continue to promote it with renewed vigour. During the freedom movement, Khadi symbolised "Khadi for the Nation." Now, it must evolve into "Khadi for Fashion."


A few days ago, as the announcer mentioned, I returned from an overseas visit. I was in Paris, the city widely regarded as the fashion capital of the world. During this visit, significant partnerships were established between our two nations on various key issues. One of the central themes of our discussions was the environment and climate change. Today, the world is increasingly recognising the importance of a sustainable lifestyle, and the fashion industry is no exception. The global fashion community is embracing the vision of 'Fashion for Environment' and 'Fashion for Empowerment'. In this regard, Bharat is leading the way.

Sustainability has always been an integral part of Bharat's textile heritage. Our Khadi, tribal textiles, and the use of natural dyes exemplify our long-standing commitment to a sustainable way of life. Now, with the support of cutting-edge technologies, Bharat's traditional sustainable techniques are evolving, directly benefiting artisans, weavers, and the crores of women associated with the textile industry.


I firmly believe that the textile industry must embrace the principles of maximising resource efficiency and minimising waste. Today, crores of garments become obsolete every month worldwide, with a significant portion falling into the category of 'fast fashion waste'. This refers to clothing discarded simply due to changing fashion trends. These garments are dumped in various parts of the world, posing a severe threat to the environment and ecosystems. Estimates suggest that fashion waste will reach 148 million tonnes by 2030. Currently, less than a quarter of textile waste is being recycled. However, our textile industry can transform this challenge into an opportunity. Bharat has a long and diverse tradition of textile recycling and upcycling. Many of you are familiar with how we repurpose old or unused fabrics. For instance, in Bharat, carpets are crafted from discarded textiles, and weavers—along with homemakers—create mats, rugs, and coverings from fabric remnants. In Maharashtra, the traditional art of making Godhadis from old, even torn clothes, showcases this ingenuity. We can innovate and elevate these age-old practices, bringing them to the global market.

The Ministry of Textiles has already taken steps in this direction by signing an MoU with the 'Standing Conference of Public Enterprises' and e-Marketplaces to promote upcycling. Many upcyclers from across India have registered under this initiative. Additionally, pilot projects for door-to-door collection of textile waste are already underway in cities like Navi Mumbai and Bangalore. I encourage our start-ups to actively engage in these efforts, seize these emerging opportunities, and establish a strong foothold in this massive global market. India’s textile recycling market is projected to reach USD 400 million in the coming years, while the global recycled textile market is estimated to reach nearly USD 7.5 billion. By taking strategic steps now, India has the potential to secure an even larger share of this market.


Centuries ago, when Bharat stood at the pinnacle of economic prosperity, the textile industry played a crucial role in that success. Today, as we march forward with our vision of a Viksit Bharat, the textile sector is once again poised to make a significant contribution to our nation’s progress. Events like Bharat Tex are reinforcing Bharat's position as a global textile powerhouse. I am confident that with each passing year, this event will set new benchmarks of success and reach greater heights. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all those involved in making this event a grand success.

Thank you very much.