Published By : Admin |
November 16, 2014 | 17:04 IST
उपस्थित सभी महानुभाव,
अभी दो घंटे पहले G -20 का समापन हुआ और अब मेरा विधिवत ऑस्ट्रेलिया के साथ Bilateral मीटिंग का कार्यक्रम शुरू हुआ और प्रारंभ पूज्य बापू के Statue के अनावरण के साथ-साथ उनको नमन कर करके हो रहा है। यह मेरे लिए बहुत सौभाग्य की बात है।
मैं, इसके जो traditional owner है इस धरती के, उनको विशेष रूप से अभिनंदन करता हूं। इस कार्य के लिए और मैं आभार भी व्यक्त करता हूं। मैं ब्रिसबेन के मेयर का भी बहुत आभार व्यक्त करता हूं कि इस काम के लिए उन्होंने हमें सहयोग दिया और हर भारतीय की भावना का आदर किया। इसके लिए मैं उनका भी आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। इन दिनों भारत में मेरे विषय को लेकर के एक चर्चा चलती है और मैं भी सुनकर के कभी-कभी हैरान होता हूं। कुछ लोग यह कहते हैं कि मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद बार-बार गांधी का नाम लेते हैं और हर चीज में गांधी को लाते हैं। लेकिन आज हेमंत भाई ने जो घटना सुनाई उसके बाद में समझता हूं इस प्रकार की चर्चा करने वालों को जवाब मिला होगा कि जब मैं मुख्यमंत्री भी नहीं था और ब्रिसबेन भी जाता हूं, तब भी यहां के लोगों से गांधी की बात करता हूं। मेरा यह Commitment है मेरा यह समर्पण है, यह मेरा उनके प्रति श्रद्धा के भाव की अभिव्यक्ति है।
हमारे शर्मा जी का परिवार यहां बैठा है। उस समय जो मुझे, मेरी खातिरदारी करते थे, जब मैं यहां आया। पुराने लोगों को मैं देख रहा हूं। काफी परिचित चेहरे मुझे नजर आ रहे हैं, लेकिन बड़े लम्बे अरसे के बाद आज मेरा आप सब के बीच आना हुआ है। लेकिन एक अच्छे अवसर पर मुझे आने का सौभाग्य मिला है।
2 अक्तूबर को पोरबंदर की धरती पर किसी इंसान का जन्म नहीं हुआ था बल्कि 2 अक्तूबर को पोरबंदर की धरती पर एक युग का जन्म हुआ था। और मैं मानता हूं कि महात्मा गांधी आज भी दुनिया के लिए उतने ही relevant है, जितने कि वे अपने जीवनकाल में थे।
आज विश्व दो बड़े संकटों से गुजर रहा है और पूरे विश्व को उसकी चिंता है, चर्चा है। हमारी जी-20 Summit में भी इन दोनों बातों की चर्चा में काफी समय भी गया है और हमें उन दो बातों का जवाब महात्मा गांधी के जीवन में से मिलता है। महात्मा गांधी के जीवन की बातों को अगर हम देखेंगे, तो आज विश्व जिन समस्याओं से जूझ रहा है। उसका जवाब ढूंढने में हमें कोई दिक्कत नहीं होगी। आज दुनिया को एक चिंता है Global Warming की और दुनिया को दूसरी चिंता है Terrorism की, आतंकवाद की।
Global Warming के मूल में मुनष्य की जो प्रकृति का शोषण करने का स्वभाव रहा। सदियों से हमने प्रकृति का शोषण किया, प्रकृति का विनाश किया और उसी ने आज ग्लो्बल वार्मिंग का हमारे लिए संकट पैदा किया है। महात्मा गांधी हमेशा प्रकृति से प्रेम करने का संदेश देते थे। उनकी पूरी जीवनचर्या में Exploitation of the nature, उसका विरोध करते थे। मनुष्य को एक सीमा तक ही milking of the nature का ही अधिकार है। उससे ज्यादा प्रकृति से लेने का अधिकार नहीं है। यह बात महात्मा गांधी जी ने जीवन मे करके दिखाई थी।
अगर हमने प्रकृति का शोषण न किया होता, मुनष्य की आवश्यकता के अनुसार बस milking of nature किया होता, तो आज जो पूरे विश्व को जिस प्रकार के संकटों को झेलना पड़ रहा है, शायद हमें जूझना न पड़ता।
महात्मा गांधी जब 25 के कालखंड में, 20- 25 के कालखंड में, 1925– 1930 में साबरमती आश्रम में रहते थे। 1930 में दांडी यात्रा के लिए वो चल पड़े थे, उसके बाद वापस कभी साबरमती आश्रम नहीं आए थे और साबरमती नदी के किनारे पर रहते थे। उस समय साबरमती नदी लबालब पानी से भारी हुई रहती थी। 1920-25 के कालखंड में पानी की कोई कमी नहीं थी लेकिन उस समय भी अगर गांधी को पानी कोई देता था और ज्यादा पानी देता था तो गांधी उसको डांटते थे कि पानी क्यों बरबाद कर रहे हो, पानी आधा ग्लिास दो जरूरत पड़ी तो कोई दूसरी बार मांगेगा। गांधी इतने आग्रही रहते थे। अपने पास आए हुए लिफाफे के पीछे वो लिखते थे, क्योंकि उनको मालूम था कि मैं ज्यादा कागज उपयोग करूंगा, तो ज्यादा वृक्ष कटेंगे और तब जाकर के कागज बनेगा और वो भी मैं नहीं करूंगा। यहां तक उनका आग्रह रहता था। हम कल्पना कर सकते हैं गांधी के जीवन की हर बात में कि वो प्रकृति की रक्षा के संबंध में कितने सजग थे और अपने जीवन आचरण के माध्यम से प्रकृति की रक्षा का संदेश कितना देते थे और वही जीवन अगर हम जीते या आज भी अगर उस जीवन को हम स्वीकार करे तो हम Global Warming की दुनिया की जो चिंता है, उस दुनिया को बचाने में हमारी तरफ से भी कुछ न कुछ योगदान दे सकते हैं। महात्मा गांधी ने हमें अहिंसा का मार्ग सिखाया, यह अहिंसा का शस्त्र, यह सिर्फ अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ने का साधन था, ऐसा नहीं है। अंहिसा, यह Article of faith महात्मा गांधी का यह विश्वास था कि हम शब्द् से भी किसी की हिंसा नहीं कर सकते। शस्त्र से तो हिंसा की बात बहुत दूर की है और अगर आज विश्व ने गांधी के उस अंहिसा के संदेश को पचाया होता, समझने की कोशिश की होती; "Holier-than-thou" मैं तुमसे बड़ा हूं; मैं तुमसे से ताकतवर हूं; मैं तुमसे अच्छा हूं; मेरा रास्ता ही से सही है इस प्रकार के जो विवादों के अंदर जो दुनिया फंसी हुई है और जिसको अपनी बात को सिद्ध करने के लिए शस्त्र का सहारा लिया जा रहा है और निर्दोष लोगों को मौत के घाट उतार दिया जा रहा है; महात्मा गांधी का संदेश उस रास्तें से हमें भटकने से बचा सकता था।
आज भी विश्व के लिए सबके प्रति आदर का भाव, सबके प्रति समानता का भाव, यही हमें विश्व से बचने का रास्ता हो सकता है। कोई किसी से बड़ा है और इसलिए अगर मैं उसको चुनौती दूं, उसको खत्म करूं। यह रास्ता विश्व को मंजूर नहीं है। जगत बदल चुका है। और महात्मा गांधी ने जो सपना देखा था उस सपने की ताकत कितनी है वो आज दुनिया को समझ में आना शुरू हुआ है।
मैं विशेष रूप से उन परिवारों का भी आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। जब मैं आया और ऐसी बातें की और उस पर वो लगे रहे। हेमंत और उनके सारे दोस्तों से मैं पूछ रहा था कि हेमंत, तुम्हारे बाल कहां चले गए तो कल्पना ने मुझको कहा कि मैं तो उसको ठीक खिला रही हूं। आपके दोस्त को मैं खिला रही हूं आप चिंता मत कीजिए। ऐसा एक पारिवारिक वातारण इतने पुराने साथियों बातों-बातों में मन से जो बात निकली मैंने भी कभी सोचा नहीं था कि ये लोग यह काम तो करेंगे ही, लेकिन वो सौभाग्य मेरे नसीब में होगा, शायद कोई ईश्वरीय संकेत है कि इस काम के लिए मुझे अवसर मिला।
जो लोग बाहर हैं, यहां पहुंच नहीं पाएं हैं, उनका भी मैं सम्मान पूर्वक आदर करता हूं। और उनका गौरव करता हूं आप सबका भी मैं आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। फिर एक बार मैं सबका अभिनंदन करता हूं। यह महान काम करने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यावाद और पूज्य बापू को हम सब प्रणाम करते हुए उनसे प्रेरणा लेकर के मानवजाति के कल्याण के लिए जो कुछ भी कर सकते हैं करने का हम प्रयास करें। बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं।
PM unveils a commemorative postage stamp on the occasion
Northeast is the 'Ashtalakshmi' of India: PM
Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav is a celebration of the brighter future of the Northeast. It is a festival of a new dawn of development, propelling the mission of a Viksit Bharat forward: PM
We are connecting the Northeast with the trinity of Emotion, Economy and Ecology: PM
Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Himanta Biswa Sarma Ji; Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Conrad Sangma Ji; Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Manik Saha Ji; Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Prem Singh Tamang Ji; my cabinet colleagues Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia Ji and Shri Sukanta Majumdar Ji; Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh; Ministers from the Governments of Mizoram and Nagaland; other public representatives; brothers and sisters from the North East; ladies and gentlemen!
Today marks the Mahaparinirvan Diwas of the architect of our Constitution, Baba Saheb Ambedkar. The Constitution drafted by Baba Saheb, enriched with the experiences of the last 75 years, serves as a profound source of inspiration for every citizen of the country. On behalf of the entire nation, I pay tribute to Baba Saheb and bow in respect to his memory.
Over the past two years, Bharat Mandapam has hosted numerous significant national and international events. We have witnessed the grandeur and success of the G-20 Summit here. However, today’s event is even more extraordinary. Today, Delhi has become Northeast-oriented. The diverse and vibrant colours of the North East have created a magnificent rainbow in the capital. We have gathered here to celebrate the inaugural Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav. Over the next three days, this festival will present the immense potential of the North East to the entire country and the world. There will be agreements fostering trade, showcasing North Eastern products, its rich culture, and its delectable cuisine, which will undoubtedly captivate everyone’s attention. The inspiring stories of North Eastern achievers, including many Padma awardees who are present here, will resonate far and wide. This event is unprecedented, as it opens the doors to large-scale investment opportunities in the North East. It is a remarkable moment not only for the farmers, artisans, and craftsmen of the region but also for global investors. The potential of the North East is extraordinary, and those who visit the exhibitions and markets here will experience its immense diversity and richness. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the organisers of the Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav, the residents of all North Eastern states, the investors, and all the esteemed guests present here.
Reflecting on the last 100-200 years, we have observed the rise of the Western world. The West has exerted significant influence globally—economically, socially, and politically. Interestingly, within Bharat too, the western region has played a pivotal role in shaping our growth story. Now, as we step into the 21st century, it is often said that this century belongs to the East—Asia, and particularly Bharat. In this context, I strongly believe that the future of Bharat also belongs to Eastern Bharat, especially the North East. In past decades, cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad have emerged as major urban centres. However, in the decades to come, cities like Guwahati, Agartala, Imphal, Itanagar, Gangtok, Kohima, Shillong, and Aizawl will showcase their immense potential. Events like the Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav will play a significant role in this journey.
In our tradition, Maa Lakshmi is revered as the goddess of happiness, health, and prosperity. Whenever we worship Lakshmi Ji, we honour her in eight forms: Adi Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Gaja Lakshmi, Santan Lakshmi, Veera Lakshmi, Vijaya Lakshmi, and Vidya Lakshmi. Similarly, the Ashtalakshmi of Bharat's North East comprises the eight states: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, and Sikkim. These eight states beautifully embody the essence of Ashtalakshmi. The first form is Adi Lakshmi, symbolising the cultural richness deeply rooted in every state of the North East. Each state takes immense pride in its unique traditions and vibrant culture. The Cherry Blossom Festival of Meghalaya, the Hornbill Festival of Nagaland, the Orange Festival of Arunachal Pradesh, the Chapchar Kut Festival of Mizoram, Assam’s Bihu, and the world-famous Manipuri Dance are but a glimpse of the North East's cultural splendour.
The second Lakshmi is Dhana Lakshmi, representing wealth and natural resources. The North East is blessed with a wealth of minerals, oil reserves, tea gardens, and incredible biodiversity. Additionally, it holds vast potential for renewable energy. This blessing of Dhana Lakshmi is a boon for the entire North East.
The third form, Dhanya Lakshmi, signifies agricultural abundance, and she too is exceptionally kind to the North East. The region is renowned for natural farming, organic agriculture, and the cultivation of millets. We take great pride in Sikkim being Bharat's first fully organic state. Crops such as rice, bamboo, spices, and medicinal plants showcase the agricultural strength of the North East. The North East plays a vital role in providing the solutions Bharat aims to offer the world in promoting a healthy lifestyle and better nutrition.
The fourth form of Ashtalakshmi is Gaja Lakshmi, who is depicted seated on a lotus surrounded by elephants. The North East, with its vast forests, national parks such as Kaziranga, Manas, and Mehao, as well as its wildlife sanctuaries, mesmerising caves, and captivating lakes, is abundantly blessed by Gaja Lakshmi. These gifts have the potential to establish the North East as one of the most breathtaking tourist destinations in the world.
The fifth Lakshmi is Santan Lakshmi, the symbol of productivity and creativity. The North East is synonymous with creativity and exceptional craftsmanship. Visitors to exhibitions and markets here will witness the region’s artistic brilliance. The handlooms and handicrafts of the North East, including Assam’s Muga Silk, Manipur’s Moirang Phi and Wankhei Phi, and Nagaland’s Chakheshang Shawl, capture hearts everywhere. Many of these products have earned GI (Geographical Indication) tags, highlighting the unparalleled creativity and craftsmanship of the North East.
The sixth form of Ashtalakshmi is Veera Lakshmi, embodying courage and strength. The North East stands as a beacon of women power. The Nupi Lan Movement of Manipur is a testament to the indomitable spirit of women, as they bravely fought against oppression. The contributions of icons like Rani Gaidinliu, Kanaklata Barua, Rani Indira Devi, and Lalnu Ropuiliani to our freedom struggle are etched in golden letters in Bharat's history. These stories of bravery continue to inspire the entire nation. Even today, the daughters of the North East uphold this proud legacy. During my visit to the stalls here, I noticed that most were managed by women. This remarkable entrepreneurial spirit of North Eastern women adds unparalleled strength to the region.
The seventh form of Ashtalakshmi is Jai Lakshmi, symbolising fame and glory. Today, the North East stands as a vital region where the world’s growing expectations of Bharat converge. As Bharat prioritises global connectivity in culture and trade, the North East serves as a bridge, connecting Bharat with the immense opportunities of South Asia and East Asia.
The eighth Lakshmi of Ashtalakshmi is Vidya Lakshmi, representing knowledge and education. Many of the leading educational institutions shaping modern India are situated in the North East. IIT Guwahati, NIT Silchar, NIT Meghalaya, NIT Agartala, and IIM Shillong are just a few examples of prominent centres of learning in the region. The North East now has its first AIIMS, and Bharat's first National Sports University is under construction in Manipur. The region has also given Bharat exceptional sports icons such as Mary Kom, Baichung Bhutia, Mirabai Chanu, Lovlina Borgohain, and Sarita Devi. Additionally, the North East is emerging as a hub for technology-driven start-ups, service centres, and industries like semiconductors, creating employment for thousands of youngsters. As Vidya Lakshmi, this region is becoming a significant centre for education and skills development for our youth.
The Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav is a celebration of the North East’s promising future. It is a celebration of a new dawn of development that will accelerate our mission of building a Viksit Bharat. Today, there is unparalleled enthusiasm for investment in the North East.
Over the past decade, we have witnessed an extraordinary journey of growth in the region. However, reaching this point has not been without challenges. We have made every possible effort to integrate the North East states into Bharat's growth story. For a long time, development efforts were measured by the number of votes a region could offer. The North East, with fewer votes and parliamentary seats, was often neglected by previous governments. It was during Atal Ji’s tenure that, for the first time, a separate ministry for the development of the North East was established.
Over the past decade, we have made dedicated efforts to bridge the emotional and developmental gap between Delhi and the North East. Central government ministers have visited the North Eastern states more than 700 times, spending significant time with the people. This has fostered a deep emotional connection between the government and the region, accelerating its development at an extraordinary pace. Let me share a statistic with you. In the 1990s, a policy was introduced to expedite the North East's progress. It mandated over 50 central government ministries to allocate 10% of their budgets to the region. Remarkably, the funds allocated to the North East during the last decade exceed the total budget received under this policy from its inception until 2014. In just 10 years, more than ₹5 lakh crore has been invested in the North East under this single policy. This is a clear demonstration of the current government’s commitment to the development of the region.
Beyond this scheme, we have launched several other significant initiatives tailored to the North East. Programmes like PM-DevINE, the Special Infrastructure Development Scheme, and the North East Venture Fund have generated numerous employment opportunities. To harness the region’s industrial potential, we have introduced the UNNATI Scheme, aimed at creating a conducive environment for industries to flourish, thereby paving the way for more job creation. The semiconductor industry, a burgeoning sector for Bharat, has been strategically introduced in the North East, specifically in Assam, to provide a strong impetus to this emerging field. The establishment of such industries in the North East is expected to draw investors from across the country and the world, unlocking new opportunities and potential for the region.
We are connecting the North East through the triveni of emotions, economy, and ecology. In this region, we are not merely constructing infrastructure; we are laying the foundation for a brighter and more sustainable future. Over the decades, connectivity has been the North East's greatest challenge. Travel to distant cities often took days, even weeks, and several states lacked basic train services. Recognising this, since 2014, our government has prioritised the development of physical and social infrastructure, leading to remarkable improvements in both the quality of infrastructure and the quality of life in the North East.
Additionally, we have expedited the completion of long-pending projects. Take the Bogi-Beel Bridge as an example. Before its completion—after years of delay—it used to take an entire day to travel from Dhemaji to Dibrugarh. Today, this journey takes just one to two hours. Many such transformative examples can be cited.
In the past decade, approximately 5,000 kilometres of national highway projects have been completed in the North East. Landmark projects like the Sela Tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh, the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway, and the border roads in Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram have significantly strengthened road connectivity in the region. Last year, during the G-20 summit, Bharat presented its vision of I-MAC—the India-Middle East-Europe Corridor—which will connect the nation's North East with the world.
Rail connectivity in the North East has expanded exponentially. The work to connect all state capitals in the region by rail is nearing completion. The first Vande Bharat train has already begun operating in the North East, marking a historic milestone. Over the last ten years, the number of airports and flights in the North East has nearly doubled, vastly improving air travel. We are also enhancing waterways, with ongoing projects on the Brahmaputra and Barak rivers. Additionally, water connectivity through the Sabroom Landport is being improved.
Work is progressing rapidly on mobile and gas pipeline connectivity in the North East. Every state in the region is being connected through the North East Gas Grid, with over 1,600 kilometres of gas pipeline being laid. Simultaneously, we are focusing on enhancing internet connectivity. Over 2,600 mobile towers are being installed across the North Eastern states, and more than 13,000 kilometres of optical fibre have already been laid. I am pleased to share that 5G connectivity has now reached all the states in the North East.
Remarkable progress has also been made in social infrastructure across the North East. The number of medical colleges in the region has increased significantly, and modern facilities are being established for the treatment of diseases such as cancer. Under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, lakhs of patients in the North East have received free treatment. During the elections, I assured you that senior citizens over the age of 70 would receive free medical care. The government has fulfilled this promise through the introduction of the Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card.
In addition to improving connectivity, we have placed great emphasis on preserving and promoting the North East’s traditions, textiles, and tourism. This has encouraged people from across the country to explore the region in large numbers. Over the past decade, the number of tourists visiting the North East has almost doubled. The rise in both investment and tourism has created new businesses and opportunities in the region. From infrastructure to integration, connectivity to closeness, and economic to emotional bonds, this journey has elevated the development of the North East—our Ashtalakshmi—to unprecedented heights.
The youth of the Ashtalakshmi states are a major priority for the Government of India. The youth of the North East have always aspired to see their region develop. Over the last decade, public support for lasting peace has been remarkable in every state of the North East. Through the combined efforts of the central and state governments, thousands of young people have chosen to abandon the path of violence and embrace a new path of development.
Several historic peace agreements have been signed in the North East over the past ten years, and border disputes between states have been addressed amicably. As a result, cases of violence in the region have significantly declined, and AFSPA has been lifted from many districts. Together, we are shaping a bright future for the North East, and the government is committed to taking every necessary step to achieve this.
We all aspire for the unique products of the North East to reach markets across the globe. To achieve this, the 'One District One Product' initiative is being implemented to promote the distinctive products of each district. These items can be seen and purchased at exhibitions and grameen haat bazaars. I advocate the mantra of 'Vocal for Local', particularly for the incredible products of the North East. I often gift these products to my foreign guests, bringing global recognition to the region’s exquisite art and craftsmanship.I also urge my f ellow countrymen, especially the people of Delhi, to make North Eastern products a part of their everyday lives.
Today, I would like to share something special with you. In recent years, our brothers and sisters from the North East have been visiting a significant cultural event in Gujarat. Near Porbandar, Gujarat, there is a grand fair called the Madhavpur Fair, which I warmly invite you to attend in advance. The Madhavpur Fair is a celebration of the marriage of Lord Krishna and Goddess Rukmini, and as you may know, Goddess Rukmini is regarded as a daughter of the North East.
I earnestly request all my family members from the North East to participate in this fair, held every year during March-April, coinciding with Ram Navami. I also propose that a similar fair should be organised in Gujarat during this time, creating a vibrant marketplace where our talented brothers and sisters from the North East can showcase and sell their products, generating income and promoting their exceptional craftsmanship. With the blessings of Lord Krishna and the Ashtalakshmi, I am confident that the North East will establish a new benchmark for development in the 21st century. On this hopeful note, I conclude my speech, wishing the event and the region great success.