Shri Modi posted on Facebook, Looking forward to interacting with students at Fergusson College in Pune this Sunday, 14th July. I welcome the students and youngsters from across the country to share their opinion on what they think went wrong in our Nation that a trust deficit has been created. I would love to hear ideas on how we can bridge this gap.”
He went on to write, “I will share some of the selected opinions of students during the event at Fergusson College. Youngsters can post their ideas and opinions as a comment to this post.”
Shri Narendra Modi will address students of Fergusson College on Sunday 14th July 2013 at 12:00 Noon. He will also interact with the students after the speech. Prior to his address he will visit the room in the college hostel where Veer Savarkar stayed as a student at Fergusson College.
You can watch the event LIVE on the website and follow @narendramodi_in on Twitter for real time updates.