Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Published By : Admin | January 10, 2014 | 19:39 IST
"This Summit is an opportunity for us to learn: Narendra Modi"
"It is our conviction that there is a lot to learn form every part of the nation. From the experts and world we can learn a lot: Narendra Modi"
"Let us take each student as a celebrity and focus on him or her. That way we can change things: Narendra Modi"
"Let us dream of giving something to the world: Narendra Modi"
"Vice Chancellors of Universities of Delhi and Mumbai join National Education Summit"


On the morning of Friday 10th January 2014 Shri Narendra Modi addressed the start of the National Education Summit organised in Gandhinagar. Shri Modi described the Summit as a grand opportunity to learn. Sharing his thoughts on the importance and future of education in India, Shri Modi envisioned an education system that creates harbingers of change. “Hume Yug Nirmata aur Samajh Nirmata Taiyar Karne Hain” Shri Modi affirmed, adding that through the medium of education we should dream of giving something to the world.

Shri Modi called for creating the right environment where education can shine and this does not only include proficiency with books. “Man Ki RachnaKitabon Se Hi Nahi Hoti. Hume Environment create Karna Hoga” (the mind does not only develop with books…an environment has to be created). Shri Modi opined that in addition to the head, both the hand and the heart are important for all round learning. Shri Modi stressed on the fact that every type of work is important and must be respected. He pointed, “I do not know this craze for white collar jobs. It is as if doing small things is bad. This must change.” 

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Elaborating further he said, “One day I switched on the television and I saw a debate on why school children must not join cleanliness drives. I was surprised. Weren’t we always taught to give importance to Shram Karya? Even Mahatma Gandhi gave importance to this.” Shri Modi avowed that change is possible when each and every pupil is treated like a celebrity. Seeking a paradigm shift from the prevailing mindset Shri Modi asked, “Schools give character certificates. What is the use of these? We suggested why not give Aptitude Certificates? School children go for school trips to Udaipur or Taj Mahal but at the same time why cannot we take our children to a manufacturing plant where cutting edge research is taking place?”

In his speech Shri Modi talked about some of the steps taken by the Gujarat government for the growth of the education sector. He shared that the government has given importance to the syllabus and has also revamped the course structurefor ITIs that have benefitted several youngsters.

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

33 states and Union Territories were present on the occasion. Over 100 Vice Chancellors and Directors from institutions across India were present on the occasion. Scholars, innovators and experts from various fields were present on the occasion.

Italy's Ambassador to India Mr. Daniele Mancini spoke about bridging the gap existing between academia and the real world, while also laying emphasis on giving due importance to both, classic studies and scientific disciplines.

Prof Dinesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, spoke about the reformatory phase that India is going through and highlighted the significance of education and technology in effecting a change for the nation.

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Dr. Rajan Welukar, VC, University of Mumbai, shared the need to comprehend the revolutionary 21st century changes, whilst creating an environment of innovation and approaching the same with a positive mindset.

Prof Charles Zukoski, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, spoke about the role of engineering education in the development of the country and mentioned that successful practical education of the next domain should involve deep domain expertise, with a substantial component of that education in liberal arts and social sciences.

Dr. Kishore Singh, responsible for Right to Education at UNESCO and special reporter on Right to Education at United Nation Human Rights Council, mentioned about skill development and institutionalized cooperation as being the need of the hour.

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

Narendra Modi addresses National Education Summit in Gandhinagar

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Prime Minister pays homage to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on his Jayanti
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has paid homage to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on his Jayanti.

Shri Modi wrote on X;

“I pay homage to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on his Jayanti.

His valour and visionary leadership laid the foundation for Swarajya, inspiring generations to uphold the values of courage and justice. He inspires us in building a strong, self-reliant and prosperous India.”

“छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त मी त्यांना अभिवादन करतो.

त्यांच्या पराक्रमाने आणि दूरदर्शी नेतृत्वाने स्वराज्याची पायाभरणी केली, ज्यामुळे अनेक पिढ्यांना धैर्य आणि न्यायाची मूल्ये जपण्याची प्रेरणा मिळाली. ते आपल्याला एक बलशाली, आत्मनिर्भर आणि समृद्ध भारत घडवण्यासाठी प्रेरणा देत आहेत.”