The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi will share his thoughts on a variety of issues with the public through the radio. The programme will be held at 11.00 AM on 3rd October, 2014.
A separate Open Forum was created on MyGov for citizens to share their comments for the forthcoming radio programme:
The idea of the Prime Minister of India sharing his thoughts with countrymen has been received by people with great enthusiasm. It has attracted response from all the corners of country. A large number of people have responded to the forthcoming radio programme and have shared their thoughts and ideas.
Earlier, on 6th September 2014 the Prime Minister talked about connecting with people through radio and sought ideas. Since then there has been an extremely positive feedback on the idea of having a radio programme. Netizens across India have welcomed this idea.
The Radio programme is seen as one more instance of the Prime Minister innovatively communicating with the people.