A high-level delegation of prestigious Victoria University, led by its Chairman and Vice-Chancellor Prof Ms Alizabeth Herman, called on Chief Minister Narendra Modi here today and offered to partner and assist Gujarat's efforts in higher education.
The delegation evinced more interest in training and upgrading professional skills in technical education, keeping in tune with the fast changing global requirements. They also offered 50,000 dollars scholarship to brilliant and needy students of the state.
They promptly agreed to a Chief Minister's suggestion to conduct a detailed research in the Gujarat's success story in people's participation in rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the quake-hit in Kutch, and study the Gujarat Government's unique disaster management policy, ordinance and setting up of the Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) in all its perspectives.
The Victoria varsity has expertise in specialized subjects like tourism, marine engineering, shipbuilding, environment technology, sports management and infrastructure, besides short-term technical up-gradation courses.
Prof Herman has signed an agreement with the Ganpat University in north Gujarat, the details about which were provided by the latter's Chairman Mr. Anil Patel.
The delegation pointed out that a large number of students from Gujarat pursue university education in Australian universities. They praised Gujarat's efforts to improve its human resources skill.