The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today invoked the great poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar to call for an end to caste-based politics. The Prime Minister said that for India to progress, it is essential for eastern India, including Bihar, to progress and catch up with the western part of India. He was speaking at a function in New Delhi, to mark the golden jubilee of two of Dinkar's great works: "Sanskriti ke chaar adhyaay," and "Parshuram ki pratiksha." The Prime Minister recalled a letter written by Shri Ramdhari Singh Dinkar in 1961, in which the poet emphasized that his native state of Bihar must forget caste-based divisions, and work towards a merit-based society. In the letter, Dinkar further said that if the people of Bihar do not rise above caste, public life in the state will decay.

The Prime Minister described "Rashtrakavi" Dinkar as a great visionary. He said Dinkar's poems, which were once memorized by thousands, assimilated India's heritage and culture, and were the best way to understand the essence of India.

Shri Narendra Modi also added that there are very few creations, which stand the scrutiny of time, the way Dinkar's writing has. He said Dinkar wanted to light a path, and show the way forward for society, through his writings.

The Prime Minister said Dinkar's works have continued to provide the inspiration to achieve and progress, to generations of Indians.

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