Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi said that there’s one group that targets those who praises him. Shri Modi expressed an apprehension that this group could soon start targeting those whom he praises. Modi said that healthy atmosphere of allowing difference of opinions with pleasure is needed. Following is near perfect verbatim:
“Should I start my address by speaking the names of all of them on this stage? Because I apprehend trouble that what would happen to those if I announce their names?”
“Two days back I received a phone call from father of an actor. He’s very big person. He told me that now onwards I should think seven times before uttering name of anybody from my mouth. That is because nowadays there’s a season going on that if somebody tells something good about me, he faces trouble, I don’t know what would happen to this Chetan Bhagat and Dilip Modi, God knows what would happen to them.”
“He – the father of an actor – further told me that if somebody praises me and face attack, it’s fine, but soon there will be a situation that if I praise somebody, he too will face trouble. This ‘group’ will attack him too.”