GOG organizes 8 sectorial seminars to energise VGGIS-2011

Published By : Admin | December 28, 2010 | 12:42 IST

Minister of State for Industries Shri Saurabh Patel today informed that state government had organized around eight sectorial seminars during the month of December as a run-up to forthcoming Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summit-2011 and to reap highest benefits from it.

Seminar witnessed deliberation on the subjects like growth of technical textiles and opportunities in international perspectives, pharmaceutical industries, tourism and civil aviation, agri business – opportunities and challenges, responsive healthcare, integrated mining city, global chemical summit, MSME convention, information technology and bioinvest.

‘Seminars got overwhelming response from developers and experts of different sectors from across the globe. All the eight seminars became instrumental in deeply assessing various aspects of the sectors. More than 100 professional experts and 4000-odd individuals representing different sectors took part in the seminars’, he said.

Giving outlines of the seminars Minister of State said that the seminars brought government agencies, private companies, professional consultants and experts on one common platform to deliberate on resources, infrastructure and investment opportunities available in Gujarat.

Talking further about Seminars Shri Patel said each seminar was peculiar in its own way but they all have a common objective – to find out the challenges within the sectors and opportunities hidden in it. With the means of penal talk, CEO roundtable and conclaves such objectives were met.

Stating that state government is working with the objective of making the growth sustainable and to extend the benefits of development to future generation, Minister of State added that the government welcomes the outcome of the seminars and will use this knowledge in future planning.

‘Gujarat Chief Minister always emphasizes an economical growth that is extended to all the strata of society especially to poor’, he said. Non-conventional energy sources, use of carbon free technology, healthcare, training and employment to youth, work-life balance, enough public amenities - with all these Gujarat is marching ahead in line with the vision of the Chief Minister, Shri Patel said.

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