On the morning of Saturday 20th July 2013 Shri Narendra Modi condemned the killing of Tamil Nadu BJP’s General Secretary Shri V Ramesh, who was murdered outside his home on the night of 19th July 2013. He also called for the culprits to be punished at the earliest.
Shri Modi Tweeted, “Killing of our Tamil Nadu unit's Gen Sec Shri V Ramesh is shocking. Spoke to TN BJP President last night & expressed sadness on the killing” and added, “My deepest condolences to the family of Shri V Ramesh. May his soul rest in peace. The culprits must be punished at the earliest.”
Other BJP leaders have also condemned the killing. Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Smt. Sushma Swaraj Tweeted, “I am shocked to hear about the brutal killing of Shri V.Ramesh our General Secretary of Tamil Nadu unit.” BJP leader Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Tweeted, “TN BJP Gen Secretary, Shri V Ramesh, CA brutally murdered in front of his house in Salem. Unbelievable! Shocked!”