No red tape, only red carpet, is my policy

Published By : Admin | June 8, 2012 | 10:01 IST

The country can progress only if we end red-tapism . No red tape, only red carpet, is my policy towards investors: Shri Narendra Modi 

Government has no business to be in business, it should play role of a felicitator: Shri Narendra Modi 

Shri Modi speaks on plethora of issues from the state of the economy, low investor confidence to the success of the time tested Gujarat model in an interview with leading financial daily ‘The Economic Times’ 

At a time when  India's  the economy is struggling, when investor confidence is at its lowest ebb and there is intense talk of a ‘policy paralysis’, Shri Narendra Modi shared valuable insights on possible remedial measures that can rid the country of economic doom.

Shri Modi stressed on the need to revive investor confidence through transparent decision-making and proper implementation. He rejected the charge that the Opposition was stalling the growth process and pointed out that it is the UPA that is discriminating with Opposition ruled states. He also articulated an extremely clear line on the role of state as a facilitator vis-a-vis business. This line assumes significance in the wake of rampant misuse of central agencies by the UPA to target select business houses especially those investing in Opposition ruled states. Shri Modi shared these insights during an interview with India’s leading business daily, ‘the Economic Times.’

Shri Modi’s interview has assumed immense significance in the business world. Firstpost, a leading web- based news channel stated that on the economic front, Shri Modi indeed offers a ‘big idea’ as compared to the PM’s ‘tired clichés.’ It adds that right from identifying the root of the problem, Shri Modi goes on to articulate a solution, which ironically the Centre should have. Firstpost also notes that Shri Modi not only has the idea but also has been implementing it successfully in Gujarat over the last decade.

Sharing some parts of the interview.

On reviving investor confidence 

“We can provide safety for their money through clarity in policies, transparency in decision-making and decent implementation. Is the UPA government able to do these? The answer is: NO.”

“…There should be clarity and purpose while making policies. We should create an atmosphere where people can make investment from their office or home. Ambiguities and waffling in policy-making should go.”

“The government should stop painting a rosy picture. If the prime minister accepts reality, he can find an answer. But the problem is that he does not believe in what he is doing. He is not able to even take his decisions to their logical end.”

On the charge that Opposition is not co-operating with the Government on key issues 

“The prime minister and the Congress have been maintaining that the Opposition-run state governments are not aiding the Centre's efforts to put the economy back on rails...

The charge is baseless. Look at what the Centre is doing to state governments' efforts to attract investment. Iron ore is available in abundance in Odisha. But the Congress and the government led by it at the Centre are opposing entry of steel companies into the state.”

“They (UPA) don't want the state government to perform and they place hurdles…The Centre went to the extent of unleashing enforcement agencies on those who promised investments in Gujarat at the Vibrant Gujarat meet . They should stop preaching and do what they are expected to do - govern.”

On Gujarat as an alternative model 

“Gujarat is a very successful model. Look at the investment auto companies have made in the state. Every auto major has its plant in my state. It is because of the efficiency of the state government. We have best quality infrastructure, skilled labour and zero man-day loss.”

“We plan our skill development and infrastructure with the future in mind. In 2012, we plan for 2015.”

On the role of the state in business

“The government has no business to be in business. It should play the role of a facilitator”

“I believe that country can progress only if we end red-tapism. No red tape, only red carpet, is my policy towards investors.”

On Gujarat’s inclusive development 

“Kite festival is a big event in Gujarat. Mainly BPL families are engaged in kite-making. The total business a few years ago was a paltry 32 crore.”

“Women's self-help groups are another example. The government has signed a tripartite agreement with SHGs and corporates. Now, 35 corporates are involved in the project, providing SHGs marketing facility.”

“Last month, we ensured jobs for 65,000 students from ITIs. There are many such initiatives for students, artisans etc.”

“Rajiv Gandhi once said that only 15 paise out of 1 allocation reach the intended beneficiary. But we have ensured that 100% of the money that is allocated from Gandhinagar reaches people.”

“I have a coastline spanning 1,600 km. We have spent Rs 18,000 crore for education, health and other needs of fishermen, who are mostly Muslims.”

“They (Media) talked about me and Gujarat at the Vibrant Gujarat meet. It is an event held once in two years. But does the media pay the same kind of attention to the Krishi Mahostavs that are being held here?”

On examples of Congress discriminatory attitude to Opposition states

“I can reel out at least 100 examples to prove my point. When Atalji was the prime minister, Gujarat and Assam used to get the same royalty on crude. One of the first decisions that the Manmohan Singh took was to slash our share. We are losing around Rs 5,400 crore on this account.”

On the current mood of the nation 

I will agree with the assessment that there is popular revulsion for Congress.

On the confidence of the people of Gujarat in the BJP 

“We have won the confidence of the people of Gujarat in 2002, 2004 parliamentary elections, 2005 local bodies election, 2007 assembly polls, 2009 Lok Sabha election and 2010 local bodies poll.”

Read the complete interview with Economic Times. 

On economy, PM offers tired clichés; Modi offers a big idea’- read this complete article of Shri Modi’s economic vision and its relevance in the wake of India’s financial crisis.

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78ನೇ ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯ ದಿನಾಚರಣೆಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಂಪು ಕೋಟೆಯಿಂದ ಪ್ರಧಾನಮಂತ್ರಿ ಶ್ರೀ ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಮೋದಿ ಅವರು ಮಾಡಿದ ಭಾಷಣದ ಕನ್ನಡ ಅನುವಾದ
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Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for Raw Jute for 2025-26 Season
January 22, 2025

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) of Raw Jute for Marketing season 2025-26.

The MSP of Raw Jute (TD-3 grade) has been fixed at Rs.5,650/- per quintal for 2025-26 season. This would ensure a return of 66.8 percent over the all India weighted average cost of production. The approved MSP of raw jute for Marketing season 2025-26 is in line with the principle of fixing MSP at a level of at least 1.5 times all India weighted average cost of production as announced by the Government in the Budget 2018-19.

The MSP of Raw Jute for Marketing season 2025-26 is an increase of Rs.315/- per quintal over the previous Marketing season 2024-25. Government of India has increased MSP of Raw jute from Rs.2400 /-per quintal in 2014-15 to Rs.5,650/- per quintal in 2025-26, registering an increase of Rs. 3250/- per quintal (2.35 times).

The MSP amount paid to Jute growing famers during the period 2014-15 to 2024-25 was Rs. 1300 Crore while during the period 2004-05 to 2013-14, amount paid was Rs. 441 Crore.

Livelihood of 40 Lakh farm families directly or indirectly depends on Jute Industry. About 4 Lakh workers get direct employment in Jute mills and trade in Jute. Last year jute was procured from 1 Lakh 70 thousand farmers. 82% of Jute farmers belong to West Bengal while rest Assam and Bihar have 9% each of jute production share.

The Jute Corporation of India (JCI) will continue as Central Government Nodal Agency to undertake Price Support Operations and the losses incurred, if any, in such operations, will be fully reimbursed by the Central Government.