Gujarat's female-male ratio has improved significantly from 844:1000 in 2002 to 898:1000 in 2008, as per the annual central registration survey conducted by the Registrar General of the Government of India.
Disclosing the latest available data, Health Minister Shri Jay Narayan Vyas said here today that the statistics indicates the Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi's 'Beti Bachao' and 'Beti Vadhavo' campaign to improve the adverse gender ratio is now on way to success.
For every 1,000 males, he pointed out, the number of females (with the year within brackets) changed from 837 (2001), 844 (2002), 862 (2003), 855 (2004), 844 (2005), 865 (2006), 891 (2007) and 898 (2008). Though still awaited, he said, the ratio for 2009 is expected to go up to 905 females for every 1,000 males.
In 2010-11, he said, the Gujarat Government has undertaken a special programme to prevent female foeticide, including setting up district-level cells, compulsory registration of ultrasound machines, stricter implementation of the relevant Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act (called P&PDT Act), and surprise checking of maternity homes and private clinics.
The Minister laid emphasis on creating awareness against ill-effects of adverse gender ratio through hoardings, wall paintings, camps for couples at children's rallies, seminars and workshops, down to the level of civic wards and villages, with the co-operation of educational institutes like IIM, judiciary, police, local government and non-government organizations at workshops, for the success of the campaign.
He said the issue has also been hotly debated at different forums by the government, ministers, legislators, officials, social activists, religious leaders and doctors.