In a question-answer session at an Aligarh university function today, a student asked Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi as to what is his message to the youth for those who had adopted violence in the name of Maoism.
Shri Modi's answer was that violent path had not succeeded in any part of the world. He had said that the youth should shun the path of violence and try to solve their problems through dialogue within the limits of Constitution.
A Government of Gujarat spokesperson said that nobody had asked Shri Narendra Modi as to what the governments should do, nor was there any answer from Shri Modi. And, yet, certain media deliberately put words in his mouth just to create controversy. In such a situation, however, Shri Modi believes that no government should ever bow down before violence. Sternest action should be taken against people bent on killing innocent citizens and that such violent activities should be uprooted.
The spokesperson said that Shri Modi does not have any dilemma over the issue as he holds a clear view that Central Government or a State Government should take sternest steps against Naxal violence.