CM highlighted that Gujarat Government has taken several initiatives, with a profound resolve to realise the dreams of Gandhiji, Gujarat has achieved growth by keeping the Indian soul intact. Shri Mohan Bhagavat, Sar Sangh Sanchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, today released the book “Hind Swaraj” authored by Gandhiji at ceremony hosted by ‘Bharatiya Vichar Manch’. The first edition was published in 1910 and its English version was also penned by Pujya Bapu. Chief Minister expressed pleasure that the book is being published during the Golden Jubilee Year of Gujarat, the book comes to the readers when ‘Vanche Gujarat’ programme has taken off.
CM reiterated that Gujarat Government has taken concrete measures to promote Khadi. Gandhi devoted his time for the service of leprosy affected people, Gujarat has realised the vision of Gandhiji making it Leprosy –Free State. With strong political will, Gujarat has initiated steps to realise the dream of ‘Gram –Swaraj’, 45 percent village panchayats have unanimously elected its Sarpanch, which shows that Gujarat Government is committed to promote peace and harmony. To provide assistance to the poorest of the poor, State has launched Shrama-Yogi Scheme. Gujarat has provided uninterrupted electricity to all the villages under the Jyotigram Yojana. He detailed several environment friendly initiatives taken by the State, also highlighted the water conservation measures.
“I can say with pride that the present government in Gujarat has linked the Gandhian thought with today’s governance model very successfully,” the CM said.
'Hind Swaraj was an invaluable gift in the golden jubilee year of Gujarat when the Vanche Gujarat campaign was launched for enlightenment of people to increase their intellectual capabilities,' Shri Modi said.
Dwelling on Gandhian perspective, Shri Mohan Bhagavat said that Gandhian ideology is based on Indian soil-&culture, it presses for altruism and ethics. We would be doing him a great injustice if we interpret him in any particular context or institution. Gandhiji believed in the freedom of people, he himself passed through the tough seeking process. He preached whatever he said. We have to imbibe truth, imbibe the vision of Gandhijee. Earlier, Shri Jitendra Bajaj elaborated on the salient features of the book.