On May 2nd, 2013, Shri Narendra Modi condoled the passing away of Sarabjit Singh, who died in a Lahore hospital after the gruesome attach on him in a Pakistan prison. He said that both the Indian and Pakistani Governments ar e misleading the people and demanded that the truth come out in the entire case. Terming it as an extra judicial killing. Shri Moid said that it was futile to expect Pakistan to follow the due to process of law in any sphere.
Earlier this morning, Shri Modi tweeted, “ Sarabjit Singh's demise is very sad. May his soul rest in peace. May God give strength to his family to bear this loss.”
Coming down heavily on both Government, Shri Modi Tweeted, Both, the Government of India & Government of Pakistan have misled people on Sarabjit Singh issue. The truth on this issue must come out.’
Shri Modi also came down heavily on the Central Government for failing to react to Pakistan’s repeated acts of aggression. He tweeted, “Centre is unable to give a strong answer to Pakistan's inhuman acts. Beheading of our soldiers & now Sarabjit's death are 2 recent examples.”
Shri Modi used strong words to condemn Pakistan’s brutal actions by calling the killing extra-judicial. He said on Twitter, “Sarabjit's extra-judicial killing is yet another grim reminder that expecting Pakistan to follow due process of law in any sphere is futile.”