Chief Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi challenges pseudo guardians of tribal poor and said that he must inform the people of Gujarat about the Center's apathy in approving Rs 304 crore worth of projects for the welfare of tribals of Gujarat. He asserted that his intention is not to play politics but to genuinely oppose those who work against the welfare of simple tribal people.
The Garib Kalyan Mela was organised today in tribal region of Nizar in Tapi district where the Chief Minister and other Ministers distributed aid worth Rs 69.30 crore to as many as 43770 beneficiaries of Nizar and Uchchhal talukas. Two Garib Kalyan Melas organised for Tapi district gave away Rs 147.43 crore worth benefits in total and empowered about 114104 poor beneficiaries.
Referring to the large gathering the Chief Minister said that it suggests the positive atmosphere built up across the State to battle against poverty and shows the poor peoples' confidence in the State Government. It is for the first time that the Government officials were send from village to village to find out real beneficiaries. Such actions have closed down the shops of mediators. Garib Kalyan Melas are being proved as insecticide that is abolishing human insects, he said.
Chief Minister gave details of various medical schemes that benefited children with critical illnesses. He also expressed his desire to entrust Rs 5000 crore worth of administration to Sakhi-Mandals to free them from the monster of debt.
Expressing his regret for the Central administration he said that the Center is continually decreasing the aid for the tribals of Gujarat. 'Why the Center is not responding to the Gujarat Government's demand for granting money for the welfare of tribal regions?,' he questioned. The sloth on the side of the Center suggests injustice towards Gujarat, he said.
Minister Shri Narottambhai Patel said that the Chief Minister has taken up a work of empowering poor, living in remotest areas. Due to his efforts around 40000 beneficiaries are benefited today.
Parliamentary Secretary Shri Harshadbhai Vasava and District Development Officer Smt.Shalini Agrawal also addressed the Mela.
On the occasion, five mini-buses, costing Rs 46 lakh, providing travel facility to tribal children, were given green signals.
MPs, district leaders, government office bearers and people in large number attended the mela.